Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [adj] [prep] the more " in BNC.

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1 Jessamy pushed them irritably to one side and began to work on one of the dragons , filling in some of the more intricate details .
2 The City Technology Colleges divert valuable resources of staff and equipment away from other schools where the need for them is great and they also cream off some of the more able pupils .
3 It seems , however , that your leitmotiv is that no doctor could be expected to carry out the multifacetted role that doctors ‘ helping the police with their enquiries ’ have to perform , that they can not do so with their usual amount of skill , and that they can not carry out some of the more sensitive tasks without bias or being influenced by their paymasters — the police .
4 Instead , I cut back some of the more boisterous forest plants in my garden .
5 The more I read , the more I became determined to try to produce something that had a good basis in theory , but that was pungent enough to counter the bland unsupported generalisations that seem so prevalent in the more practical end of the library and information science literature .
6 LocoScript PC Easy cuts out some of the more esoteric features that can usually be found in a word processor these days — advanced layout features such as newspaper style columns , the ability to add footnotes , access to an on-line thesaurus etc .
7 The sentencing decision in Billam ( 1986 ) marks out some of the more serious varieties of sexual assault , and this could be used as a basis for introducing a new scheme of three or four graded offences : there are precedents for this in other countries .
8 It has created a cost-conscious business culture , and rooted out many of the more outrageous make-work practices devised by trade unions in the post-war period .
9 The success of Alain Aspect 's team in confirming experimentally one of the more subtle predictions of the theory ( New Scientist , 6 January , p 17 ) came just at the time when , in an echo of the great days of J. G. Crowther , The Guardian published Terry Clark 's report of an experiment in which a macroscopic object can be made to behave , in some respects , like a single quantum ‘ particle ’ , and when these weighty tomes arrived for review .
10 He even offered to continue to supply arms — thought at this time the new regime was trying to get the United States to buy back some of the more expensive equipment that the Shah had purchased .
11 Families , being private places , are rather difficult for the self-styled observer to cope with , but seem quite manageable for the more discreet artistic observer who , of course , only writes ‘ fiction ’ .
12 ‘ Ever open door , ’ muttered Bill , dredging up one of the more attractive phrases from his footballing past .
13 Sir Anthony Barrowclough 's report could , indeed , be viewed in those terms and holding back some of the more sensitive parts would be consistent with the Serious Fraud Office 's efforts to restrain some of the most recent civil court hearings on the affair .
14 It is appropriate to consider briefly some of the more important developments in world trade over the past fifteen years or so .
15 Major educational work took place outside Education Departments in recently formed Applied Linguistics groups associated with Linguistics ( Edinburgh and Reading ) , Language and Linguistics ( Essex ) , English and Linguistics ( Lancaster ) or English ( Birmingham ) to name only some of the more prominent sources of applied linguistic expertise within Arts or Social Science faculties rather than Education .
16 Products that become technically obsolete in the more developed economies may still be ‘ appropriate technology ’ in less advanced economies .
17 It is clear , for example , that there are still striking regional variations in the use of custodial remands , in spite of the Bail Act 's attempt to structure the decision-making process , which might have been expected to iron out some of the more extreme disparities .
18 But , if you think money is the answer , you have only to read the newspapers to see how many of the more affluent members of society experience the trauma of divorce , drug or alcohol addiction or a suicide in the family .
19 The bicycle was accused of enlarging the scope for theft , and we were encouraged to linger over some of the more squalid details of profiteering and corruption which had accompanied the boom in the cycling industry .
20 Although traditional books would continue to play an invaluable part in students ' learning , computer discs would back up some of the more technical course literature .
21 In this chapter we shall examine only some of the more important types of stratification structure .
22 Over the years industrial capitalist society has been casting off many of the more obvious outward signs of inner distress .
23 Delta 's partners hop around many of the more interesting parts of the USA , such as the Florida Keys or the national parks of the Rockies .
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