Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [verb] her [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 Wanda from New Jersey phoned in to say her need for the taste of blood was a clinical necessity without which the withdrawal symptoms were ‘ just awful , ya wouldn ’ wan na go through it Jerry , ’ she told her host .
2 ‘ Victoria has n't seen her father for months .
3 She 'd already phoned home to check her answering-machine for messages , now she was free to head north .
4 This Jessica woman — he assumed it must be Jessica , he 'd never heard her name for sure until tonight — had been in danger of getting her face poked down her throat , was all .
5 This seemed a suitable area on which to work , and we proceeded in precisely the same way as before , with Sylvia imagining the situation under hypnosis and then going off to do her homework for however long was necessary .
6 She broke off to berate her son for a few minutes .
7 At first the Jones said that there was nothing Olwyn liked enough to change her behaviour for and that punishment meant absolutely nothing to her .
8 They did not share her enthusiasm for peace and space and wide skies .
9 She might be in for a long wait : Bella did n't break her routine for anyone .
10 Either she was a Madonna and people did n't give her credit for being one , or else she was trying to be one and people were trying to stop her or possibly she was being forced to be one against her better judgement .
11 But his lack of affection for her did n't lessen her love for him , nor did she give up hope that she would one day be able to make him feel genuinely fond of her .
12 Anyway we 've only got her word for the whole story .
13 He had no doubt that it was something devious , and her tone indicated she had already made her choice for him .
14 Apart from the fact that she believed her teeth to be on the point of falling out , she had not had her period for several weeks and was afraid that she was barren .
15 Devastated , Charles was determined not to lose her love for good .
16 Mrs Hancock , the girl from the other side of the tracks , had always professed her love for the rough , tough ex-miner who made a fortune and espoused the most outlandish ideas .
17 She wondered whether Philippa had really outgrown her passion for partially disabled men but she seemed oblivious of all this and sat like a springtime sprig in a bed of roses , contemplating her coincidental twin .
18 She just hoped he had n't recognised her start for the violent sexual reaction it had been — a totally ridiculous reaction , she told herself , since she was n't in the least attracted to Fenton Marshall .
19 Her mother ran upstairs , followed closely by a policewoman who had n't left her side for a moment since they 'd arrived .
20 ‘ Your mother does n't operate her career for your amusement , Princess , ’ her father admonished , pinching Tina 's cheek .
21 Flora had never forgiven her husband for dying ten years before , leaving her badly off .
22 She wanted somehow to have her mother for herself , but only so that she could reject her herself .
23 Meticulously , she sucked him dry , and stood up to open her mouth for him to see his seed swimming over her pink tongue and gums .
24 I have n't seen her handwriting for so long that I can hardly remember what it 's like .
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