Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [verb] not [pron] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Well it 's it all adds up do n't it like ?
2 Have you written down did n't you write it in the in the margin ?
3 costing us lately , we 're having to get these , I mean we have that on two in the morning to get this room warmed up do n't we have to put it down to one
4 I have consistently said why do n't they allow er , councils to spend the receipts from council houses on building new houses , and I 've never been impressed with the replies nor the reasons .
5 She says why do n't I go out there on a visit .
6 Well I says to him , I says if you were that interested I says while I 'm watching I says why do n't you come and see , I says , give us a shake
7 Listen why do n't you let us pull the door to nan
8 I have to say something like hang on just one minute erm I have to pull this faded down do n't I go B B C Radio York the station that 's always first for travel .
9 Look why do n't you do the colouring for now and then I 'll help you do that in a little while when I 've done this bingo ?
10 And I said , look why do n't you meet me in front of Conway Hall and kill me then , it would save so much time .
11 Well look why do n't you have one of these then you can do it properly .
12 There 's some on the floor there look why do n't you take that downstairs , and use it .
13 And get quite did n't you say , eight horses or something , fifteen .
14 ‘ Caro , for God 's sake , if you have n't got anything better to do why do n't you help us ?
15 so I said if you go up and see Pat I said I 'm sure Pat will say well you know why do n't you use the kitchen and come and live in
16 And if you look back at the minutes and then Yona I think she 's great as the secretary because she does n't let anything go but on the other hand she 's pretty informal about and the way th that over the weeks you know somebody er Julie or June or Mervia Ann come up with the suggestion that they maybe feel why do n't we do this and then by the next week it 's turned into a a rally or a big picket or or a record .
17 Anyway , it did win , and the wife was saying why did n't you bet it , why did n't you back it to win !
18 I heard Brad having a conversation again today about Ooh I do n't feel ye I heard him saying why do n't we feel very happy about this and not and not happy with the subjects and I do n't feel very happy about running the session so go up this way he 's never done the work you see so he 's trying to learn it from i instructions and things and a lot of the time you need to have actually done it to be able to talk about it
19 Well I 'm , I 'm the same , I was talking to Rob the other day and er , I forget how I mentioned it , but I said something about , oh I think it 's because I was saying why do n't you come up like this week because he 's off this week , and er , he was making some excuse or other , oh I 've got three weeks off in the summer , oh I 'd sooner come up when I 've got this longest spell off , you know , and I want to get this chimney done and blah , blah
20 Go on does n't it make you sort of bias when you actually work for the system ?
21 Why do n't do n't they like dark ?
22 Do n't do n't you think that there 's a conflict of interest there .
23 Oh love why did n't you tell Mummy ?
24 Why do n't you come why do n't you come .
25 Tt with the aid of the good general the er United Nations army and the South Koreans pushed the North Koreans back into North Korea and er MacArthur 's view was well while we 're winning why do n't we keep going , you know , perhaps we could take over China as well
26 Called me , he 's called me a college crappy , he goes why do n't you go back , he goes , why do n't you go back to college , you college crappy .
27 ‘ Then someone asked why did n't I start an organisation selling extraordinary buildings ?
28 I mean why does n't he say something about it ?
29 Well look , I mean why do n't I leave it to you to get in contact with
30 So you might think why do n't I make it easy and make it one square .
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