Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [verb] the same [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The junior adventure story has not suffered the same extremes of literary discrimination .
2 One of the things I did learn from the last tour was to rehearse enough material so that you do n't get fed up playing the same things over and over again . ’
3 For people did not keep on wearing the same garments , not for eleven , twelve years .
4 In our own lives , when we look back over things we 've done , we try to learn something from them — if we know we 've done something stupid , we try to make sure that we do n't keep on making the same mistakes over and over again .
5 If PR turned out to have the same results in Britain , it would be a pact with the devil . ’
6 Grassland life is much the same the world over , and horses and litopterns independently evolved the same qualities to cope with the problems of grassland life .
7 If you have an odd number of needles , you end up knitting the same needles on every row , so that after a few rows the carriage jams .
8 Walter Luff did not make the same mistakes as his predecessor , and paralleled the extensive improvements on the tramway by a redevelopment office of the bus system , including the sacrifice of two heavily-trafficked tram routes to bus operation .
9 Federalism did not prevent the same trends occurring in the United States , especially under Roosevelt 's New Deal — demonstrating the increasing irrelevance of the distinction between federal and unitary states in an era which generates overwhelming pressures towards a more centralized state .
10 Journalists enjoyed easy access to Mr Ashdown , who , as the leader of the third party , did not suffer the same pressures as his counterparts .
11 Richard Collin , Darlington 's director of central services , said districts like Ryedale and Scarborough did not have the same problems as some of County Durham 's former pit villages .
12 ‘ Small companies did not have the same advantages as large organisations , ’ confirms Jan Murray , chairman and managing director of PC World .
13 Another overseas power with which England had uneasy relations , particularly over trading matters , was the league of Hanse towns of North Germany ; there were times when these developed into open warfare , but although this affected trade , it did not have the same repercussions on society as did the wars with France .
14 For example , the dismissal of temporary workers did not require the same consultations or negotiations to be opened with the trade unions as would be necessary if redundancies amongst the regular labour force were proposed .
15 The urban ramifications of massive economic restructuring in the 1980s did not produce the same effects as the legitimacy crisis of welfare state capitalism in the cities of the 1960s and 1970s .
16 I believe my German colleagues did not enjoy the same facilities in another case of a Spantax Coronado that crashed in Spain full of German nationals on an inclusive tour .
17 One should not therefore underestimate the importance of neighbourhood to such old people , even if neighbours do not perform the same functions as in ‘ the old days ’ .
18 What Firth is pointing out is that sentences as artificial constructs for exemplifying linguistic forms do not meet the same conditions of making sense as do expressions naturally used in the service of communication in context .
19 By all means consider a tank of an unusual or irregular design , but be aware of the limitations and do not apply the same criteria as you would to the more conventional rectangular aquarium , especially where stocking levels are concerned .
20 European deals also do not promise the same rewards as the UK mega-deals of recent times .
21 Firstly , the county 's health authorities and councils do not share the same boundaries , and those boundaries that do exist are changing .
22 All that I can honestly say is that after collecting the facts I do decide one way or another , without having any reasons which will satisfy you if you do not share the same standards .
23 What scripture can he appeal to , when his ‘ congregants ’ either do not share the same scriptures or do not have any ?
24 Rural areas do not display the same concentrations of poor housing and poor social conditions , and as a result very few HAAs or GIAs have been declared in them ( Kirby 1977 , ; Dunn et al .
25 English cricket does not have this capacity for internal strife in the same way , the periodic Yorkshire blood-lettings being of a different order ; but West Indian cricket has grown strong precisely because it has risen above its problems , and on that basis England can not find the same sort of strength since they do not have the same problems to overcome .
26 Russians adopted the orthodox spirituality of the Greeks and it is interesting that , even after decades of Soviet oppression , they do not have the same problems about the reality they call ‘ God ’ as we do in the West , where Christians always behaved as though God could be discussed like any other metaphysical entity .
27 But the cells in a pack of wolves do not have the same genes , nor do they have the same chance of being in the cells of sub-packs that are budded off .
28 As with the free ion , the inter-electronic effects depend on a number of complicated integrals ; these can be expressed in terms of Racah parameters , but B and C do not have the same values as they have for the free ion .
29 It would not mean that animals should be treated equally with people , they do not have the same interests as people .
30 The disadvantage is that children do not have the same choices as if the open-plan system was operating and , for this reason , I prefer all the food to be laid out to view .
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