Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [verb] [prep] her [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But the language your correspondent then goes on to use in her letter belies her true position — that of a supporter of the status quo and of the present head teacher .
2 She goes on to complain of her exclusion from theological learning :
3 After marriage , only the exceptional woman is now going to go on working outside her home . ’
4 Sinead has since said of her time at Grianan : ‘ I have never , and probably never will again , experienced such panic and terror and agony over anything . ’
5 She has obviously learnt from her creator , who amended Defoe 's actual Tour through the Whole Island of Great Britain ( 1724–6 ) , by introducing with the aid of books further description of historic buildings , without venturing further into the country than his garden .
6 Sally Ward moved in to live with her daughter 's family , on the opposite side of Egremont Street , and Peggy Burns went to live with her daughter Meg and her husband .
7 Lee turned her head away , looked down at her own navel and tried not to think about her mother .
8 The Chief Engineer , was on the dawn watch and shook me with a cup of tea at daybreak saying , " Hey Ron , I think that boat we wanted has just passed on her way into Poole . "
9 Mrs has already asked for her class to be after one and we 've only got the two classes to do .
10 The wife is commonly , these days , a secondary source of income to the family and the loss of her income is something that should be taken into account when the claim comes to be made , together with , most importantly , the loss of the services the wife has gratuitously rendered to her family .
11 Mrs Browning , who looks weak and I believe has hardly moved from her room all winter , though she has ventured on a carriage trip or two since spring arrived , is excited by the promise Cavour has made to bring some statesmanship into this affair and hopes much from him .
12 I thought : no man has ever slept in her hair before .
13 There the police said that Lucy Chamberlain had been identified after the shooting by documents in her handbag and by her distinctive clothing ; clothing later confirmed by her father in a telephone call from the police .
14 He has also worked with her father , Scottish character actor Andrew Keir , and her sister , TV producer Deirdre .
15 Dot pushed back the blanket , slid off Gloria 's lap and moved back to sit by her window .
16 Mrs Thatcher remains totally opposed to the idea of a ‘ third zero , ’ the elimination of short- range nuclear weapons , and believes the Soviet Union has now rallied to her view .
17 After Madeleine ( Kim Novak ) has seemingly fallen to her death , the acrophobic ex-cop Scottie ( James Stewart ) relives the event , mentally re-enacting her fall from the bell-tower to the roof of the Spanish mission .
18 ‘ What for ? ’ he had looked almost startled by her vehemence .
19 She sensed his glistening cheek brush her hair and his breath warm the side of her face as he bent forward to murmur in her ear .
20 I need to know where I can find a woman who has recently returned to her family after having run away with a man called Resenence Jeopardy . ’
21 Mrs Sweeting said her daughter , a receptionist at County Hall , in Chelmsford , has never complained about her illness and always adopted a positive approach to life .
22 Nathalie Sarraute , however , has never deviated from her conviction that her novels must be considered as attempts to reproduce , in formal terms , the domain of the interpersonal , pre-verbal psychological reality of tropism .
23 She had worshipped Hendry as she watched him on TV marching to his second Embassy world title last April and made nightly notes in her diary detailing her adulation .
24 Daisy , having taken a fortnight 's holiday to drive Perdita around in yet another hired car , had never felt so shattered in her life .
25 On the one hand he seemed much improved since her advent .
26 ‘ But it is , ’ he insisted , as if this somehow ought to be the best news she 'd ever heard in her life .
27 All that mattered was that he was the most exciting man she 'd ever met in her life .
28 She just made it to the bathroom in time , before she parted unceremoniously with the contents of her stomach , then hung weakly against the side of the washbasin , more wretched and humiliated than she 'd ever felt in her life .
29 And it was n't happening the way she 'd imagined … abruptly , she realised that being kissed by Guy Sterne was nothing remotely like being kissed by any other man she 'd ever known in her life .
30 Angela went out to the hall and came back pulling on her coat .
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