Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [verb] [noun sg] [noun sg] in " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Pain in the housing market should finally kill off the British obsession with housing which has so distorted resource allocation in the last 25 years .
2 At that meeting both Governments reaffirmed their determination to work together to enhance security co-operation in every way possible .
3 Yet the Commons debate went far beyond the usual slanging match — and although Minister Robert Key tried hard to describe Government policy in the best possible light , serious concern and strong criticism was expressed that alone in the National Heritage budget , the English Tourist Board 's ( ETB ) funding is to be fiercely reduced .
4 Tiny Lithuania — under 3 million people — has certainly arrived centre stage in world affairs in recent months .
5 Despite being Britain 's only world champion at three different weights and a highly respected professional , McKenzie has never approached star status in the eyes of the fight public or television paymasters .
6 Satz ( 1977 ) has exposed the folly on probabilistic grounds of inferring right sided speech dominance in an individual with a left-sided ear advantage .
7 ‘ How you gwine ter keep deh Possum in his feedbox when I brings in deh Chinas and blackmen ? ’
8 Even in the Buenos Aires of my childhood — where there were very few professional musicians — friends would get together to play chamber music in each other 's sitting rooms .
9 However , it was once again observed that risk only enhances recognition performance in certain situations .
10 These implications of the fiction/concession theory were neither compatible with the reality of free incorporation on compliance with some simple formalities nor congenial to academics who did not favour state intervention in corporate enterprise .
11 The treatment of effector cells with TNF-α did not alter ADCC activity in six serum samples from the patients ( Fig 2(B) ) .
12 Although I did not conduct field research in Nigeria , I visited that country in 1975 , 1978 and 1981 .
13 Bundesrat representatives came from the 10 Land ( state ) governments , of which the SPD now controlled six including the cities of Bremen and Hamburg ; the SPD also controlled West Berlin , in coalition with the Greens , but West Berlin did not have voting representation in the Bundesrat .
14 Principals , directors and shareowners who practise mainly from overseas offices which do not conduct investment business in or into the UK are disregarded for this calculation .
15 A journalistic facility for finding and talking to knowledgeable people , reading the right reports and informal commentaries , plus a number of more academic and analytical papers , should enable the researcher following the general methodology outlined here to explain soil erosion in a particular country .
16 PEOPLE who do n't pay poll tax in Darlington could soon face prison sentences as problems with delayed payments mount .
17 They do n't put animal fat in it , surely do they ?
18 For the remaining hour Barcelona , encouraged by the news from Kiev where Dynamo beat Sparta Prague 1–0 before a crowd of just 3,000 , played a speculative game vastly at odds with their attacking image , to the extent where veteran defender Alexanko was sent on to replace striker Laudrup in a side defending with eight players in the area .
19 ST ( who had not received day care in hospital ) was less likely to become disturbed when offered assistance .
20 Trying not to let excitement show in my voice I said , ‘ Hold on while I check my diary ’ knowing fine that whatever was committed would have to be re-arranged !
21 Those gardens which survived were in the main bulldozed and concreted over to provide station car-parking in the 1950 , another victory for functionalism over aesthetics .
22 The age and sex profile of a practice does not explain interpractice variation in prescribing patterns .
23 By using an accurate new index ( the Newcastle prescribing index ) to adjust for the effect of patient sex and age on prescribing in the North East we have shown that a practice age and sex demography does not explain interpractice variation in prescribing habits .
24 In animal models of oesophageal carcinogenesis , gastro-oesophageal reflux promotes tumour development but reflux alone does not cause tumour formation in the absence of a carcinogen .
25 Erm the provision in policy I five does not include recycling land in in existing
26 Pure ethanol does not stimulate gastrin release in humans .
27 SHOPPERS have been warned not to buy rabbit meat in Latvian markets after 42 animals infected with lethal bugs were stolen from a research centre .
28 But even nostalgia can misremember ; I do n't think they 've ever served cabinet pudding in the Cabinet Office .
29 The men were volunteers who had undergone a long and thorough training , and most had also had battle experience in South Africa , India and Egypt .
30 The important point is that nature does n't need computing power in order to select , except in special cases like peahens choosing peacocks .
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