Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [conj] at the end " in BNC.

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1 Every day bank deposits are withdrawn and fresh deposits made so that at the end of each day liquidity for each bank will be different from that at the beginning .
2 I mean I 'm quite happy up there , you know even if at the end I do n't get to end I mean I 'd like to get
3 I want the observer to note the training methods used what basically went on and at the end of the day I will see the person who 's been in training make a paper aeroplane and I will judge these on two criterias
4 The bill , which makes it an offence to carry a knife and puts the onus on the carrier to prove he had good reason to carry the knife , will have its third reading on Friday and could now become law before summer after the Scottish Office accepted a Labour amendment that the act should come into force on the day it is passed rather than at the end of a two month period .
5 Thus , even if space is left within and at the end of each index , updating will involve the shifting and shuffling of a number of records or the use of pointers and links to the new records .
6 And that 's what 's happening at the moment , because we 're not sitting down and saying , I mean , this is my worry about oh we might do this there , that 's why I want it tightened up because at the end of the day we start , we have various modules at a later date , two , three years time whatever we might decide to sling out but it should really be designed , worked upon so that the incoming person can use it as a basis given their limitations
7 As the result of lengthy investigations into the Duzme Mustafa revolt , Mehmed Sah was implicated in that affair ; and , Husameddin relates , " Molla Fenari grieved greatly that at the end of the investigations , in the year 832 , Mehmed Sah Efendi passed over the bridge of death together with Candarlizade Ibrahim Pasa and the Grand Vezir Haci Ivaz Pasa . "
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