Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] up [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Lady Horne led them up a stone-vaulted passageway into a comfortable but cold solar .
2 And it seems that if I go Steve , right , bring me up a dozen sweets and I have n't selled one of them well that would be
3 He led me up the cobbled yard and opened the door of one of the houses .
4 ‘ Well , he rubs me up the wrong way .
5 Can I just say that er Ray phoned me up the other day and he said er , would you be prepared to take part in probationers ' , er regional probationary sort of training day er which is at coming up er in a few months time , to give erm presentation skills er I part of what we were doing , erm but just those O H Ps that we did on that part .
6 At least , this human being loyally follows me around the place , keeps tabs on me and rings me up the whole time .
7 Masklin swung backwards and forwards , trying to pull himself up the rough cloth .
8 I 'm I 'm winding you up a little bit but no I mean there 's a little method in this .
9 Anyway , I phoned her up the other day to have a little chat with her .
10 So it covers it up a little bit , but it looks like he 's gone bald .
11 Do you have to reti pack it up a certain time ?
12 And if I 've hung his coats up once I 've hung up , I 've hung them up a hundred times , he 's got a coat hanger on the back of the coat hook on the back of the door
13 I , I , dropped somebody up a little bit , so there 's the one six double O four and the six eight O seven .
14 ‘ My friend , Lord Auden and I cut one up the other day , ’ she says ( of an old mahogany sideboard ) .
15 When her alarm woke her up the next morning , she felt heavy-eyed and lacking in energy , but that was probably because her sleep had been long in coming and had been plagued with dreams when she had eventually managed to drop off .
16 But you must see that she says her prayers at night , Antoinette exclaimed : how else can you bring her up a good Catholic ?
17 He motioned Karlinsky forward and with a generous flourish directed him up the three steps on to the small platform in front of the Ark of the Law where a lectern had been placed .
18 But I was rewriting that to try to get the lines to work and all of those things , and they mess it up a little bit , which annoyed me .
19 could you firm it up a little bit with him you firm it up with I 'll talk to Scottish Homes
20 Well alright , but can you , can you not get rid of a couple of the boxes and what 's this thing there ? well why do n't you tip it up the other way and give yourself a bit more room , tomorrow Deana what 's that , your dictionary ?
21 I agreed and arranged to pick it up the next morning on the way .
22 Should n't have really warmed it up the first time .
23 You stay right there , Rainbow , if that 's what you really want , and I 'll make you up a nice plate and we 'll pass it over to you . ’
24 We will encourage school to invest in sports facilities and open them up the local community .
25 Do you know she said she was n't coming to our wedding right up to the last moment , and when she did consent to come she behaved as if all the guests on my side were mud beneath her feet , though our family 's always been very well thought of around here , as I 'm sure you know , and my father could have bought her up a hundred times and not noticed the difference , and what was her father in New Zealand I wonder , some sheep dipper or other I would n't mind betting — you know the type that went to the colonies then — or perhaps he was a convict ! ’
26 For some reason he remembered old Doyle , the gardener , dead now for thirty years , leading him up the same pathway round to the back door and into the kitchen for the mid-morning cup of tea .
27 ‘ I 've been involved in a few of these things but I 've never seen anyone bring it up to the level he did — he turned it up a few notches . ’
28 Cos I 'd cleaned it up the other day cos it had mildew on the bottom of it !
29 Perry leads us up the unlit stairwell , the smell of urine sharp in our nostrils .
30 The oil lamp beside his bed had been extinguished , and when I saw my father glance disapprovingly at the lamp I had brought to guide me up the rickety staircase , I quickly lowered the wick .
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