Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [to-vb] [prep] [pron] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ World Day of the Sick ’ is a special time of prayer and sharing , of offering one 's suffering for the good of the Church and of reminding everyone to see in his sick brother or sister the face of Christ who , by suffering , dying and rising , achieved the salvation of mankind .
2 No one would accuse the Americans of being frightened of the new , or the Indians of refusing to show emotion , or of inability to communicate , but all need to work in an environment which encourages them to give of their best , and encourages them to look outwards rather than inwards .
3 ‘ In other words , you do n't want me to behave in my usual bull-headed manner . ’
4 If people hear about the boy , he thought , perhaps they will want me to pay for their lost chickens and their disappearing sheep .
5 I would also like to thank the Nature Conservancy Council 's Upland Vegetation Survey and Andrew Currie for allowing me to quote from their unpublished reports .
6 Those who need personal assistance to enable them to live in their own homes have too often been consigned either to institutions or to enforced dependence on their families .
7 The Community Health Team aim was to ensure a place of treatment for children from the earliest possible age , to enable them to develop to their fullest potential .
8 Funding for care in the community will be ‘ ring fenced ’ so that it goes to the elderly , infirm and those with disabilities to enable them to stay in their own homes if they wish .
9 So when Jesus breathes his Spirit upon them after the resurrection , it is to enable them to enter into his own mission received from the Father and proclaim forgiveness of sins to believers , and doom to the impenitent ( 20:20–23 ) .
10 I made a great nuisance of myself and , in the end , they resorted to the traditional method of dealing with trouble-makers : they asked me to stand for my own ward at the next local government elections .
11 " And he wants me to go with him this time — as his driver . "
12 I cost him a lot in little things , but I know he wants me to ask for something big .
13 He had not expected me to ask about his 1936 visit to Nazi Germany .
14 It should be emphasized that this has nothing to do with our normal perception of color ; quarks are far too small to be seen by visible light .
15 But White says that row has nothing to do with his vehement stance on the Sahabi bone issue .
16 Discretion has nothing to do with it any more . "
17 And your inability to decide or to order has nothing to do with your mental powers .
18 If they want someone to work on their own initiative , don ‘ t be afraid to tell them in your application that you can do that .
19 I want you to look for anything unusual — anything that could be due to a black hole .
20 Unlike most tour operators , who are happy for you to go to any one of several countries , we are thoroughly biased — we want you to come to our OWN country .
21 it also has something to do with her predominant yearning for an idyllic space which is similar to the yearning for a classical Golden Age .
22 Perhaps the confidence of physicists noted by Becher ( forthcoming ) has something to do with their apparent irreducibility .
23 I want him to return to his old life , which I consider would be much better for him .
24 A group of vengeful noblemen invited him to dine with them one evening , served him poisoned food and wine and then set about murdering him — a process that was anything but straightforward .
25 She made friendly overtures , invited her to stay in their large , warm , scenic , colourful , untidy house in Sussex , told Alix to live for herself and look to the future , offered to look after the baby whenever Alix needed a break .
26 She is still haunted by the grief of her husband 's death and this causes her to shrink into her own world of deception .
27 My father may leave everything to me , but I frankly would n't know what to do with it other than give it to Jamie . ’
28 It lasts 40 minutes and contains so much inventive material in its one-movement , arch-like structure that one sometimes feels Holloway did not know what to do with it all , a pleasing problem for any composer today !
29 But you see , Gianluigi 's cousin works in the museum and they 've got so much stuff there they literally do n't know what to do with it all , it just sits and rots in boxes in the cellar , no one ever sees it .
30 And this is what I want us to do during our two days together .
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