Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [vb base] [prep] the same " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps he secretly thinks I belong to the same world .
2 The other terms , for example , are all the same in each market , so on averaging they occur in the same form as they do in an individual market .
3 I asked for one ticket and paid for it , then I watched him ask for the same and fish down inside his carrier bag and bring out a ten pound note .
4 PWL 's managing director David Howells entered the debate on Kylie 's future by insisting she had the qualities to see her endure in the same way pop 's Peter Pan Cliff Richard had .
5 They , they 're just not getting back right now , I do n't know if it 's just to be sensitive to her or whether it 's just because , you know , they 're gon na see each o I mean they live on the same road , they 'll probably see each other this weekend .
6 Effectively , you agree with a bank that on , say , 1 January you will pay the bank interest on a notional principal calculated using a fixed interest rate reflecting the current yield curve ; the bank will pay you interest on the same notional principal at whatever interest rate pertains on 1 January .
7 ‘ We became friends very quickly because I think we think in the same way .
8 Careful descriptions of speech are necessary because people 's beliefs about their actual linguistic behaviour are often very inaccurate ; many people think they speak in the same way as they write but , in fact , no one does .
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