Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [coord] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The nurses panicked and made me and the other mother sign forms saying that we definitely had our own babies . ’
2 Fortunately , even though it was just after 3am on Friday morning , Len was there to meet me and the first hurdle was over , I had arrived .
3 And and it is also perhaps distracted er attention from the interesting disagreements also taking place at the Labour party conference this week between the one more pushes , if I might describe them and the hard liners who believe you 've got to be radical .
4 Pigeons are derived from the Rock Dove and which nested and perched in cliff side and buildings are the nearest thing so I the pigeons are n't really an argument and you do if you want proper birds in the city centre such as thrushes and blackbirds and even sparrows you need real trees to encourage them and the these trees are fairly mature and helpful .
5 Next is the fact that the more dots you have the longer it 's going to take to process them and the more memory you 'll need to hold the bitmap .
6 exercise that you do in terms of assertion in terms of helping build people 's assertion is what we call a broken record exercise , okay where one person wants something and the other person is trying to change their minds , okay , you get it in conversation when people do n't take you seriously and you 've asked for something and they do n't take you serious they try and avoid the point , they try and change the subject .
7 Geordie humour sums that up in the phrase , ’ The English divvent want we and the Scots winna have we . ’
8 so therefore the Irish people designed it and the Irish people gone bust and out of business
9 Fourth , the discount houses collectively may offer a smaller quantity of bills for sale than apparently needed by the market as a whole , either because they take a different ( to the Bank ) view of the overall shortage in the market or because of the relationship in the market between the short term interest rates at which they fund themselves and the relevant bill yields .
10 He believed me and the next day suggested that I moved out .
11 The bureaux were impatient to receive them but the administrative task of splitting the despatch into several stages would have been enormous and costly .
12 He declared that 90 per cent of Indonesians belonged to this class of small farmers , labourers , urban workers : and he did not direct his attack upon the other 10 per cent but upon the Dutch who had exploited them and the Chinese entrepreneurs who lived off their labour .
13 It all seemed too large , too over-provided-for to feed them and the stunted attendants , even if there were a few more of them than they 'd seen until now ( and they were always complaining about being short-staffed , anyway ) .
14 He gathered his great strength , remembered the lessons he had learned abroad , and drove himself and the weary men on to do what must be done .
15 He could have told her about the IRA kidnapping him , but that would have alarmed her and the whole household .
16 After we 've seen him and the young ladies have finished their calls I want you to take Irene Charial aside . ’
17 He went to answer it and the next thing he knew he was being attacked by a group of men .
18 We must criticise explanations of difference that treat gender as something obvious , static and monolithic , ignoring the forces that shape it and the varied forms they take in different times and places .
19 and he could n't do it and the worse thing was everybody in the pool had gone go on
20 But there is a way , you can manage you can do it and the important thing is that it 's your body that 's doing it , that your body that 's keeping the exercise going , so that when the actual pain disappears , when you 've got rid of the acid , your joints still work and your muscles are still good .
21 This was a parting gift but I dropped mine and the bloody dogs were on it in a flash , whilst Benjamin , kind as ever , gave his to the page who served us .
22 Indeed , the terms of reference of the study , who will do what and the precise timetable for production of the report will be the major subjects for discussion at the first meeting .
23 Indeed , the terms of reference of the study , who will do what and the precise timetable for production of the report will be the major subjects for discussion at the first meeting .
24 It was n't the French that threw me but the arty design which was about as easy to follow as the plot of Twin Peaks .
25 I shall examine in this section the means by which different discourses and public texts are ground together to reveal the common structures that underlie them and the common strategies they employ .
26 If you lay on the ground whining it incensed them and the subsequent kicks and punches were harder and aimed at the mouth and head rather than the stomach and back .
27 She claimed she and the murdered girl had been drinking with the old man , and that he had killed her friend , but the old man was acquitted and McLachlan was sentenced to hang .
28 Strains of The Rolling Stones , The Faces , Bad Company and Free floated to the surface ( mainly due to Chris Robinson 's earthy vocal ) , but dig a little deeper and , like all good things , something special eventually showed itself and The Black Crowes proved that they were birds of another feather entirely .
29 but mind you we had much worse a problem that day because we had two sets of sniffer dogs who did n't like something and the first lot that were in and did n't like something that we 'd
30 There are good reasons for distinguishing it both from the level of the meanings of expressions , as will become apparent later in the text ( see in particular Chapter 6 ) , and from whatever more general non-linguistic level of mental activity has to take responsibility for human perception of external phenomena ; a sufficient reason is that speakers of the language are well aware that they can seek to identify one and the same entity or property by using the meanings of various different expressions : Examples like ( 22 ) are familiarly put forward as showing the distinction between meaning and reference ; they may serve that purpose but that is quite a different matter .
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