Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [adv] for the [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 He 's painted them continually for the last 6 years .
2 But one artist is so entranced by their beauty that he 's painted nothing else for the last six years .
3 Besides even if they did n't win it again for the next two million years we 'd never hear the end of it .
4 We played with Gary player for the first two rounds and he was as miserable as sin about our luck with the weather because we caught it again for the second round .
5 It really would be very much more practical to have her hair cut , she told herself severely for the umpteenth time , but the simple truth was that she liked having her hair long , loved the feeling of the heavy silken strands on her skin .
6 You did the wise thing , calling a halt when you did , she told herself sharply for the umpteenth time .
7 ‘ I have fished a poison-tongued mermaid from the sea , ’ he 'd grinned , straightening and gazing down at her as if inspecting her thoroughly for the first time .
8 he 's done nothing , put it right for the last year .
9 ‘ Rather than selling him , we are about to offer James a new and extended contract which will keep him here for the next two or three years . ’
10 Impulses of attraction towards beautiful forms or faces troubled him frequently for the next two years at Oxford .
11 They said their father contacted them suddenly for the first time two months ago after walking out on them 18 years ago .
12 They manhandled her out of the vehicle and through the front doors , down the corridor and into the small , windowless and empty room that had become her home for the last nine hours .
13 For all that , had she been right just to abandon him pitilessly for the first dashing knight to Pass her way ?
14 Our fleet now consisted of three " V " vessels , Venturous , Vigilant and Valiant , all well equipped , modern , purpose-built patrol boats which were worked hard and served us well for the next ten years .
15 He addressed us now for the first time , in far more lucid Indonesian than we had ever heard from his elders .
16 Say they started on a Monday at two o'clock in the afternoon , he or she will take them away for the first hour and go through some of the main points of their work here .
17 Studying him now , dispassionately , without the emotional blindness of the aftermath of her accident , or the initial shock of finding that he was last night 's rescuer , it was like seeing him properly for the first time …
18 The figure stopped dead and saw them obviously for the first time .
19 Jinny remembered Bella 's words and understood them properly for the first time .
20 Erm , just a point of information , I think er on the hundred and thirty-one million , including the Lincoln , and I think er they would have been you would have been under serious er distress on that , because the information I have had from the Department of Transport , is that if the Lincoln scheme had gone ahead , it would have effectively blocked everything else for the next five years , and that would n't have done you any good , from where you 're elected , either .
21 Her mind was free to appreciate it properly for the first time .
22 One of the original group , Crest Homes , has now decided to go it alone for the first stage of the project .
23 He looked at Mitch , studying him closely for the first time .
24 I had been telling him so for the last few weeks .
25 I think its possible to fall in love with the same person more than once , you fall in love with them and you get married for that as well as other reasons perhaps , and then you have children and you hardly see them really for the next ten years , at least this is what every one sort of understands and then and then erm and then when you have more time again you can fall in love all over again with exactly the same person , I think this happens to lots of people , which also does n't happen to a lot of people so you have n't
26 Have it there for the first month or something .
27 The house is all straight and you 're tired and then the kids come home from school and upset the house again , so you remake it again for the next day .
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