Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [noun pl] in [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 Increases in school fees and charges for ‘ extras ’ also discouraged parents from keeping their children in education for the required nine years , thus making a mockery of the ‘ compulsory ’ education system in China .
2 The fliers immediately stopped their displays in respect for the dead man .
3 American environmentalists are girding their loins in preparation for what is undoubtedly the most important meeting in the whole process .
4 Marshes also provide life-saving cover for female crabs that have shed their shells in preparation for mating .
5 In August 1717 Alberoni began trying to persuade Charles XII of Sweden and Czar peter the Great of Russia to sink their differences in return for a present of £100,000 from the Pretender , to pay for their armies to restore him to his throne .
6 A reverse takeover offer is one where an offeror company makes a general offer to the shareholders of a larger company to acquire their shares in exchange for new shares in the offeror company , with the shareholders in the larger company becoming the majority shareholders in the offeror company .
7 The tax payers were director-shareholders in a close company ; they agreed to sell their shares in consideration for some cash and a novation to the purchaser of their liability to repay loans made to them by the company .
8 WITH the two main floodlit tournaments in Junior Rugby just around the corner , many clubs are looking forward to the opportunity to sharpen their skills in preparation for the first batch of league matches .
9 Organize your accounts in time for the Budget and Money Smith For Windows — ideal for both business and home use ; create your own friendly front-end with the easy to use 3D Menu , and then step into Phantasm for a slice of virtual reality !
10 IMC have offered us weapons in return for specialist help .
11 However , she is prepared to relax her views as she is currently looking for an accountant who is willing to do her books in return for , er , payment in kind .
12 This showed a girl removing her clothes in preparation for going to bed .
13 After removing her shoes in respect for Korean custom , she watched as chef Wang Jun Ryun filled the pancake with shredded beef , carrot and cucumber and mustard sauce .
14 The former Dublin captain , sent off after only four minutes following an off-the-ball incident with Donegal midfielder Brian Murray , could be left kicking his heels in frustration for the best part of the summer .
15 Perhaps you should relax a little , and — who knows — perhaps you 'll find your own happy ending where you least expect it , and now , if you 'll excuse me , the time has come to reward my friends in advance for the efforts they have promised to make on our behalf . ’
16 Instead of accepting the cash deal Pearl shareholders can sell their shares in return for AMP 's loan notes .
17 In order to see things as the Trobrianders saw them , he joined their communities , learned their language , and lived among them as a member , noting and recording his observations in preparation for writing about them later :
18 He had already persuaded one of the heirs , William Berkeley , to release his claims in return for the cancellation of his debts to the Talbots , and York 's hereditary title to that moiety was embodied in an act passed by Edward IV 's last parliament in 1483 .
19 He had already persuaded one of the heirs , William Berkeley , to release his claims in return for the cancellation of his debts to the Talbots , and York 's hereditary title to that moiety was embodied in an act passed by Edward IV 's last parliament in 1483 .
20 It enlisted the help of the Town Crier to encourage parishioners to empty their larders in time for Lent .
21 He despised these army men , in particular those who had lost their units in exchange for secondment to MVD camp detachments .
22 LIVESTOCK farmers have been alerted to adapt their enterprises in readiness for the advent of suckler cow quotas .
23 Shannon absorbed his words in silence for a moment , then her eyes opened wide in shock as their meaning sank in .
24 Actresses are also creeping on to the catwalk , offering their services in exchange for a couple of outfits .
25 They sipped their drinks in silence for several minutes while Belinda took in the details of house and garden .
26 In one important area the Navy held its ambitions in check for bargaining reasons within the Whitehall market-place .
27 Travis closed his eyes in pain for a second , and then almost as if he could n't help himself he reached out a hand and pulled her to him , pressing a kiss on her hair .
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