Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [noun sg] and [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 A petite , pleasant-faced doxy , however , caught my eye and for a few hours I became old Shallot again , whiling away the time , telling the most outrageous stories and making her laugh both in the taproom and on her feather-filled mattress in the chamber above .
2 In its cover story of the 15 April 1966 issue of Time said , ‘ In this century , every decade has its city and for the Sixties , that city is London .
3 Unable to get his life and work in gear , Chris Penn changed his name and for a time worked on a building site before earning good money being beaten black and blue as a prize fighter .
4 After a week in Lerwick the work there and the night life began to lose its attraction and with the first lull in the weather we poked our nose out of the north end of Bressay Sound — and wished we had not .
5 The lady unrolled her petition and in a voice trembling with outrage , she read it aloud :
6 Her companion did the same , but the Sheikha in her usual way lifted her veil and with a graceful inward movement of her wrist held the pot under her arm , first one side then the other , her neck arching above the rising smoke .
7 The wife obligingly lifted her arm and for the first time there was a flash of something pale , as if to show that there really was flesh and blood beneath the shapeless black garment .
8 I dial his number and on the other side of the airwell Kyle picks up his phone .
9 Ian 's voice was slightly defiant , and he dropped his head and with a careful casualness flicked away some nonexistent dust from his high-buttoned silver jacket .
10 To flash a badge was to risk someone in the crowd remembering his face and in the future , on another job , he could fingered as the stoolie he truly was .
11 On Feb. 21 Yeltsin 's opponents in the Russian Federation Supreme Soviet condemned his leadership and in an apparent attempt to oust him they succeeded in getting the backing of the required one-fifth of deputies to convene an emergency sitting of the Russian Federation Congress of People 's Deputies on March 28 .
12 She had a lump in her throat and an enormous yearning to say something beautiful to her father , something that could not be expressed by words , and so without quite knowing how it happened she suddenly turned her head and with a smile tossed out her arm in the air , easily , flowing , as if to see each other many more times .
13 Luce turned her head and across the foyer met Michele Lorenzo 's furious silvery-green eyes .
14 She stuffed her handkerchief into her mouth ; it was large enough to cover her nose and for the faint scent of lavender-water to obliterate the worst of the putrefaction .
15 One extreme assumption was that demand would mirror the demographic decline , while at the other extreme there would only be a shallow decline in demand due to increases in both the proportions of school leavers wanting to advance their education and in the number of mature entrants .
16 The kind Julian had offered their house and on an impulse she 'd accepted , relieved only to be free from the demands of the parish .
17 A girl from the magazine used to do my shopping and in the end I managed to do it myself , going by taxi and feeling terrified all the time . ’
18 However , in second-half Wanderers raised their game and at the end of the day they just failed to get a point .
19 Nora Fanshawe raised her head and for the first time he saw her smile , an ugly harsh smile of self-mockery .
20 States parties may accede separately tot he convention and to the jurisdiction of the Commission and the Court , and they may do so not permanently but for a specific term on the expiry of which the accession will end .
21 If the place failed as links the property was a valuable one , and there was no probability in their losing their money and in the meantime they were receiving three per cent which was as good as if the money were invested in Consols .
22 In the main , it was a time of misery which unknowingly strengthened her character and at the same time introduced her to a friendship which resulted in her opening her eyes to another way of life , a life that she recognised and knew she could fit into ; for it was during the first summer holiday that she was invited to spend a day with Annabel at her home .
23 That was yesterday after the snow had stopped , he was doing his shopping and in the afternoon .
24 Cos I was gon na have it night and in the morning , no point
25 Viewers latched on to , and sympathized with , a vulnerable character who was unable to keep a job — as a security guard he lost his dog and as a fireman he kept missing the fire engine — and roared with laughter as his world collapsed around him .
26 In 1966 he lost his seat and on the nomination of Harold Wilson ( later Baron Wilson of Rievaulx ) entered the House of Lords as a life peer .
27 Are we supposed simply to abdicate our responsibility and for every new place that 's started in the private sector , we close down a place in our er organisation .
28 He took her arm and for a moment Sophie resented his high-handed manner .
29 He kept his promise and in a couple of weeks my beautiful , shiny bicycle was ready .
30 Battle Abbey was founded by William to commemorate his victory and as a memorial to the fallen .
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