Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [noun sg] on [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 That morning I met my father on the middle landing of the stairs , and we were alone together for the first time in the holidays .
2 And now I must pack up and take the road ; you 'll be keeping me company on a long night march , although I know you 're asleep in our nice warm bed …
3 I had forgotten my quest on the previous day in the pleasure of the poets ' company .
4 The weather was unexpectedly hot , and had brought out a sudden rash of men leering from shop doorways and cars for a glimpse of female flesh , while Vonetta struggled to find my flat on the sprawling council estate where I live .
5 However , as the bitter winter weather approaches , I should like to concentrate my speech on the basic problem of enabling people to find shelter so that hon. Members do not again have to face the awful reality of stepping around people huddled under snow-covered tarpaulins , lying in shop doorways in the streets of our city .
6 I gave a short address with one foot on each side of the peace-line [ a sleeping policeman — concrete ] basing my theme on the marvellous passage in the second chapter of the Gospel according to St. Luke — the song of the angels , seen and heard by the shepherds , ‘ Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace and goodwill to all people ’ .
7 I HAVE A PHOBIA ABOUT BEING CAUGHT DRIVING MY CAR ON A PRIVATE road , although I have no idea where this unreasonable fear emanates from .
8 The only problems encountered were that I tended to catch my chin on the high foam on the front and shoulder elastic was slightly against skin .
9 He had asked Christina to attend this meeting too , saying he 'd value her opinion on the revised pool plans which Paul was bringing in .
10 They base their prognosis on the aggressive new product development and marketing that has been Cadbury 's hallmark in recent years .
11 Typically organisations require employees to obtain two or three estimates and base their payment on the lowest one .
12 ‘ At that time , ’ recalls Vivien , who was the first British player to try her hand on the American Tour , ‘ the LPGA needed all the publicity and good will it could get .
13 She pushed into the dust , banging her head on the wooden underside .
14 Marsh accepted his fate honourably , as everyone expected , and the Australians got on with the job of keeping their boot on the Indian throat .
15 The process of gestation has its parallel on the psychological level .
16 Her thesis has its gaze on the exact detail of the exchange of cattle , goats , blankets , gourds and snuff , and it tries to establish by the comparative method that these customs are part of universal human practice .
17 The tightness and speed of the narrative , too , has its effect on the direct , concrete prose style which , too often in the earlier books , had become prosy and had lost shape in informative interpolations .
18 However , the company has its eye on the estimated 200 000 American children with ‘ normal variant short stature ’ , who produce growth hormone but apparently lack sufficient receptors to put it to work .
19 Never has their attack on the Labour Party been so comprehensive .
20 It is to the credit of such workers that they rarely feel animosity towards a member of the Royal Family who puts on a designer frock , gets into a chauffeur-driven car , spends a couple of hours meeting the afflicted and , as a result , has her picture on the front page of most national newspapers with the word caring prefacing every mention of her name .
21 These plants can exceed the size of some national markets , leading producers to concentrate their production on a few sites and export to small markets : some chemical plants in Brazil or Mexico serve other parts of the Latin American market .
22 She swung her arms above her head and cracked her hand on a low beam .
23 BR used press campaigns in the early 1980s to put the arguments for higher state support , basing its case on the higher subsidies of other European railways as a percentage of GNP .
24 Delrina is basing its pitch on the expected low cost of these modems relative to the cost of buying separate facsimile and answering machines , and the large installed base of Windows users with a single phone line who keep finding themselves talking to modems .
25 Costume Supervisor Daphne Dare designed their appearance , basing their shape on a standard skin-diver 's wet suit .
26 The latter case found its way on the front page of the Sunday People under the headline BEAUTY QUEEN 'S LIFE OF CRIME Terrorised wife 's story .
27 Quickly , Caroline scrawled her signature on the proffered form .
28 ‘ Either at the request of some lady because it disturbed their bouncing on the royal bed .
29 IBM had originally agreed to help finance the project through to the end of 1992 , and has since been helping Supercomputing Systems to meet its payroll on a week-by-week basis .
30 Realizing there was nowhere to run in time , the Marines concentrated their fire on the crouching figures behind the guns , but they were too well protected .
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