Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [noun sg] in [art] first " in BNC.

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1 But direct observation does give you the colours and you do become more accurate , even though sunlight and shadows move so fast during the time it takes to paint such a scene that the particular arrangement that caught your eye in the first place has long since gone by the time the picture is finished !
2 THE British Lions were today fuming over two refereeing decisions which they claimed cost them victory in the first Test against New Zealand in Christchurch .
3 Readers may be familiar with textbooks that set out to define their subject in the first chapter .
4 Louis Dersingham was clearly annoyed to find himself having answered his sister in the first place .
5 With exquisite logic , Sonic Boom is on the panel , a man who could n't stop talking , I 'm sure , if he could be bothered to open his mouth in the first place .
6 Baby carriers/slings leave your hands and arms free , and are a good way of transporting your baby in the first few months .
7 There they were on the first , belated , league Saturday of the season , celebrating their arrival in the first division , unveiling new-look Sunbury as a showpiece of healthy ambition and running Bath so close that the perennial might of the champions was instantly called into question .
8 Iran declared its neutrality in the First World war , but most Iranian sympathy lay with German because she was fighting Great Britain and Russia .
9 Their most expensive signing , £2.5million striker Ian Wright , sat on the bench for the opening game with a thigh strain , and turned his ankle in the first minute when coming on .
10 It was wrong to leave her family in the first place , wrong , having come here to go on leading the life she did . ’
11 The helium-3 is what Palmer was trying to produce as it was the presence of this gas in the atmosphere that had stimulated his idea in the first place , but detecting it would not be easy .
12 Edwards , who played on despite breaking his nose in the first half , insisted : ‘ Widnes created as many chances as we did , but we were a little more clinical in our finishing .
13 A , you might not want to come and join my company in the first place
14 I told Bates straight out that I was the only man who had the vision and know-how to keep his club in the First Division and that for a reasonable salary , say 16K a year , I would be willing to quit Athletico .
15 Ade pulled his hamstring in the first round .
16 Eoin Jess broke his ankle in the first meeting of the clubs and the cup draw was followed by a damaging share of the points between Aberdeen and Falkirk at Pittodrie in the Premier Division championship .
17 ‘ But what I ca n't understand is why they did n't just take our project in the first place .
18 In that different method we frame our question in the first instance as a question about corporate responsibility .
19 From continually chasing my tail in the first month and being late for everything , and always being in trouble in varying degrees , punctuality became second nature .
20 all of our paid fors have er , done very well this year in circulation terms all but two of them have increased their circulation in the first half , despite quite high price rises , for instance the York county newspaper , the weekly there , we have a daily but the weekly there went up by five P and the weekly in Bath where again we have a daily that went up by six P .
21 After a cautious start , Wharton , at 24 , a year younger than the Australian , took his time in the first three minutes before opening up with a series of punches in the next three rounds .
22 ‘ I will never forget our victory in the first French Test , ’ he added .
23 This thing , about involving our chap in the first place , not your style , at all . ’
24 ‘ I told 'im 'e was a no-good whoreson an' 'e should n't 'ave wasted my time in the first place , ’ Billy replied , his blue eyes blazing at the memory of it .
25 Other measures were announced which it was hoped would enable the Russian government to balance its budget in the first quarter of 1992 .
26 Rijeka , who led 1–0 , may now lose their place in the First Division .
27 Just ask Falkirk , who have produced some great stuff this season yet look increasingly likely to be playing their football in the First Division next season .
28 After this year , however , Gary became really confused for a couple of months and began to doubt his call in the first place .
29 This removed our interest in the first phase of the proposed Super-SARA programme .
30 At the time she was lodging with two ladies who had lost their brother in the First World War .
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