Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [pron] for [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And erm I would suggest that additional favouring of Hartlepool will do nothing whatsoever for the relationship with with North Yorkshire .
2 I asked if they could give me something for the pain .
3 Lie back , and I 'll give you something for the pain .
4 ‘ We never put a variety on the list until we have grown it ourselves for a year . ’
5 A lot of people say that cavers are mad , that they cause a lot of trouble getting themselves stuck , and that they would n't do it themselves for a gold onion .
6 You owe me something for the humiliation which you are about to put on me . ’
7 So what we have done is we have started something called Sailathon which is a word that Bugs made up erm and what it is is it 's , it 's an attempt to get yacht clubs , sailing clubs all round the country to do something themselves for the Sea Mission Foundation .
8 ‘ Schatzie , I am going to pay you what for a man of my years is a great compliment .
9 If you ca n't , but would n't mind keeping the draft till you 're in Prague ( it 's good for six months ) , it may be less of a hassle cashing it there , especially as the bank in Brno may charge you something for the transaction .
10 Then he read a textbook of hers about the craft of the dramatist and it had stopped him from showing her anything for a year .
11 It does nothing whatsoever for the music and provides a distraction as unwelcome as it is contextually inappropriate .
12 ROS : Take you me for a sponge , my lord ?
13 It does n't much matter what you wear during the day , but we 'll find you something for the evenings . ’
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