Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [pron] [verb] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Helen Chalmers and I would like to thank everyone who supports the Birthday Scheme .
2 Erm , it 's very important that we find a joint way forward to make sure that whatever the future of local government is in this county , there is an effi effective and efficient purchasing erm , er service me who did the moving .
3 But then I , I , it 's unfortunate that you had your first I mean someone who had no experience of headmastership , head , head teachers , I mean all the head teachers I should think are in financial problems this year cos it 's really there first full year
4 I mean I I had the guitar stuff done within an hour but it getting all vocals over-dubbed and doubling everything up and then , it took forever to mix it together .
5 Right you have to come I think the basis of this evening was to get people to come along and put there points of view and to say what 's happening and what is n't happening and I think we can take that take that away and considerate it yes I mean I I think the board or the management committee will be happy to meet with people to discuss the use of the theatre er what it 's used for what might what the unhappiness is if there is unhappiness and the positive and the positive as well as the negative points yes .
6 Well I mean I I think the grafts that they 've done , the major grafts anyway , are finished and er they seemed to have taken really well , so I mean it 's just a matter of time , really , for them to settle .
7 So it is a question of not allowing someone who commits a summary offence to ‘ escape liability ’ for an indictable offence .
8 Maybe he/she is right ; often he/she is not and may recruit someone who becomes a liability .
9 Check that I 'm alright and then when I do or suggest you you get the hump .
10 Yes , he had one to celebrate , but he did n't just buy one he bought a box .
11 ‘ Would you mind explaining something you said a while back ? ’
12 Good manners forbade you to riffle through the pile , lift the layers until you found one you liked the look of .
13 When he defeated her he founded an oracle in the dolphins ' honour at Delphi ( dolphin town ) , building a shrine where he hoped humans might be guided by a sense of otherworldliness .
14 However , on the first day that I got to know her I had a feeling that there was something peculiar about the woman .
15 and everybody seems to keep burying their head in the sa well when I say everybody I mean the Tech particularly are burying their head in the sand , they do n't seem to want to invest anything in preparing for , they 're called Youth Credits now are n't they ?
16 But he knew why the moment he entered the old schoolroom , for after allowing him to pass her she closed the door and stood with her back to it , her pale face , now tinged to a deep red , thrust out towards him as she cried , ‘ Think you 're smart , do n't you ?
17 To distract him she put an arm around his shoulders and moved away from the rail .
18 When she got the blade of the shove between her teeth and began to worry it I called a halt .
19 ‘ Did you know anyone who had a grudge against her ? ’
20 Back home in Ireland — I come from Ulster , as if you did n't know — I did n't know anyone who had a bath ! ’
21 ‘ I might understand it but I do n't know anyone who enjoys the criticism .
22 As a young man he was cursed with a dreadful stammer , and to help combat it he became a club singer , not easy under the best of circumstances .
23 Police in Lurgan want anyone who witnessed the accident to contact them on 0762-325144 .
24 Right that 's D O C and then you look on here and you look for a D O C , when you found it you put a ring around it alright ?
25 Fortunately , however , a few weeks before I found it I attended a lecture given by a Dr Peter Herring , of an oceanographic research institute based in Godalming , on the subject of marine bioluminescence .
26 Woe betide anyone who breaks a branch without first asking permission of the lunantishee , for they will torment the offender , prodding him unmercifully with their bony white fingers .
27 You must always buy what they call a carrier oil to help mix the oils .
28 Every product has what they call a life cycle , like a curve on a graph , rising up from development on to a plateau of maturity , until finally the product curve declines .
29 I believe that each of us has what I term a spirit ( but which I am quite happy for others to call the soul , the higher self , the inner self — or any of dozens of different names ) and that it is this spirit which has a journey to make through several lifetimes .
30 So maybe what we call imaginary time is really more basic , and what we call real is just an idea that we invent to help us describe what we think the universe is like .
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