Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [adj] [noun pl] to the " in BNC.

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1 They legislate from a distance and do n't trust their own children to the state sector .
2 CGI 's top three officials , including chairman Robert Mallet , who together hold 25.4% , have committed their own shares to the bid .
3 As a hotel increases in size , however , the tasks have to be subdivided into separate areas of work and supervised by section heads ; and in a very large hotel ( Fig. 1.2 ) the volume of work is such that under departmental heads staff specialise in one aspect of the work only and there is little opportunity to relate their individual efforts to the whole operation .
4 The acquiring bank transfers its good habits to the acquired , so increasing the group 's return on equity .
5 Thereafter , as many as a dozen other females will have added their own babies to the creche in the tunnel in the same way .
6 Second , it ca n't support applications such as Video for Windows that build their own extensions to the Windows application binary interface .
7 Second , it ca n't support applications such as Video for Windows that build their own extensions to the Windows application binary interface .
8 The income of the lands was divided among the canons of the minster , and they built their respective manors to the north and south of the church .
9 Some ran into trouble as they severed their lifelines with universities , only to find their initial proposals to the CNAA turned down .
10 Under the service agreement a small salary was payable to her each year and she was to provide her exclusive services to the company for five years .
11 Staff will need help in understanding their own reactions to the patient 's behaviour .
12 You can tell by the signs — not , as you might thin , an early primrose opening its frail petals to the strengthening sun , or the tweet of birds in the tree outside the bedroom window , but by the growing pile of work .
13 Whether we call some individuals Ranters , others Levellers , Diggers , Muggletonians , early Quakers and so forth and then present them either as a type of ‘ lunatic fringe ’ to mainstream developments or , as Hill eloquently puts it in his The World Turned Upside Down : ‘ the attempts of various groups of the common people to impose their own solutions to the problems of their time , in opposition to the wishes of their betters who had called them into political action ’ is a matter of current political alignment and represents the way we wish to intervene in the present as in the past .
14 In a large organisation , a worker at the bottom of the hierarchy will have difficulty in relating his own contributions to the setting of the organisation objectives at the top of the hierarchy .
15 A High Court judgment ordering Mr Ahmed , a former assistant general manager of a bank , to compensate his former employers to the tune of more than £30,000 in respect of losses caused by his negligence , was therefore upheld .
16 Pressing our itching ears to the caressing fingers .
17 The bidder offers its own shares to the shareholders of the target .
18 A cash underwritten alternative occurs where the bidder offers its own shares to the shareholders of the target but at the same time arranges for its merchant bank to offer to buy from accepting shareholders , who wish to take cash , all or a proportion of those shares immediately .
19 which display the solo dancing ability of each character and define social status and other traits that are so important to the unfolding of the story , e.g. the Six fairies bring their various gifts to the Christening and Aurora dances happily to acknowledge the compliments of the Princes and all who have come to her birthday ( The Sleeping Beauty . )
20 As far as Sarah was concerned Charles was her domain at that time and trespassers were not welcome by the sparky redhead who applied her competitive instincts to the men in her life .
21 MIPS believes DEC will upgrade its R3000-based DECstations to the new 4400 early next year .
22 Meanwhile , existing Parsys SN1000 customers can upgrade their non-vector machines to the SN8000 — by adding in 80860 modules mounted on a Parsys TRAM board .
23 On the other hand , was the local authority segment of higher education constantly to lose its premier institutions to the universities , and be left with a permanently subordinate pattern of further education colleges doing a proportion of advanced work ? .
24 Instead , because of a booking blunder , they were left to carry their own bags to the Paradise Court room — which had just two single beds and a table — in the middle of the night .
25 The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development ( EBRD ) announced its first loans to the Soviet Union , totalling $19,000,000 , on Nov. 26 .
26 Predators from the lower ranks of the animal kingdom sometimes seem to be incapable of inhibiting their automatic responses to the brightly coloured individuals they encounter .
27 True happiness for human beings is possible only to those who develop their godlike potentialities to the utmost . ’
28 This she sipped slowly , very conscious of the picture she made in her cream linen dress , her pale hair slightly but attractively disordered , Roman sandal thongs binding her long legs to the knee .
29 Voters who have given their highest preferences to the weakest candidates are allowed to participate , perhaps decisively , in the contest between the strongest .
30 The jury of seven men and five women have been given the day off tomorrow while both sides consider the evidence against Marsh and on Monday make their final submissions to the court .
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