Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [noun] down for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Their friends bring their friends down for the week-end .
2 I put her name down for the local hospice without her permission , because although she defiantly insisted she did n't want anything to do with it , I thought things might change as she deteriorated .
3 Just put your papers down for a couple of minutes please .
4 You put your guitar down for a second , and just as you turn away there 's a horrible discordant ker-draanngg ! , accompanied , if you 're unlucky , by the even more expensive noise of your headstock suddenly leaving the band to embark on a solo career .
5 Er put your hands down for the moment .
6 However it might be a good idea to put my name down for the ‘ Understanding Racism ’ Course .
7 ‘ I prefer to keep our heads down for the moment .
8 If he was n't home , I 'd go back to the squat and keep my head down for a few days .
9 If he got his head down for a couple of hours he would be nice and fresh for the evening .
10 I 'm a bit tired , to be honest ; I 'm going to get my head down for a while .
11 And like a well-trained dog I stuck an arm in the air and said , ‘ I 'm putting my foot down for the Telethon , how about you ? ’
12 She stopped and put her case down for a moment to try and collect herself ; her hands were trembling uncontrollably from the weight .
13 Rory saw his mother 's shoulders move once , and she put her head down for a second , sniffed .
14 But ‘ the social worker put her name down for an EMI bed — eventually her name came to the top of the waiting list , and the social worker put her in .
15 From time to time , as she looked up , specks of gritty plaster landed in her eyes and , putting her broom down for a moment , she dabbed them with the corner of her shawl .
16 Referee Larry Thompson stepped in to save the Hull fighter from further punishment after a sustained assault from Hardy after he had put his man down for a count of eight early in the round .
17 Gunn was in splendid form : it was just past 7 o'clock , he was the 19th caddie to get his name down for the day and , almost certainly , he would work two jobs before nightfall .
18 ‘ As soon as you get round the corner , put your foot down for a couple of blocks .
19 ‘ If you get this into W.H. Smith 's ’ , observed the Australian , ‘ put your name down for a Rolls-Royce immediately . ’
20 The Prime Minister had his head down for the vast majority of the speech , assiduously following the whole of the 57 pages either to avoid the accusatory , glaring eyes of the Opposition or to check that his Chancellor did not deviate from the text .
21 Tod held his head down for a couple of minutes , then sloped off .
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