Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [verb] [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 To see them annihilate all-comers in the Scottish League only serves to confirm our prejudices about the infirmity of their national football .
2 Empirical research in the 1960s demonstrated that even in the cases where the middle class had been initially progressive , success had given them a conservative outlook and led them to join forces with the traditional elite rather than with the working class ( Ratinoff 1967 , Sunkel 1965 ) .
3 Terrapins have been left here and in similar ponds around the country by bored pet owners for years , but the numbers have been growing thanks to children who have tired of the Teenage Mutant Hero Turtle craze that led them to buy terrapins in the first place .
4 It is able to move on to the next stage of the action if the various relevant conditions have been satisfied and to produce documentation for court or reminders for the debt recovery unit personnel to enable them to progress matters beyond the next stage .
5 The restructuring would be supported by loans totalling between $500,000,000 and $600,000,000 from the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank ( IADB ) to provide those dismissed with compensation , training and advice to enable them to find jobs in the private sector .
6 But we have now taught ourselves to see benefits to the organism as incidental , as far as natural selection is concerned .
7 Everybody knows — including I think members of the Council from all three political groups — everybody knows that we 've got increasing numbers of elderly people , we 've got increasing numbers of disabled and mentally ill people in the community , and if there is one service , and I know there are others , but if there is one service that needs constant new growth it 's Social Services , and that 's not me empire building or anything like that , that 's me simply saying in straight managerial terms there are forces which require us to increase the Social Services budget .
8 Perverse conditioned psychological needs require some of our best thinking to solve — but then we should n't have let them become habits in the first place .
9 That way , protection could be extended to small airlines , such as Virgin , in the winter months , enabling them to lower fares in the summer months .
10 Do you know they push stones into the wall ? "
11 She also felt somewhat pleased , feeling that it was better for Mrs Aggie to concentrate her collecting efforts in the nicer part of the town .
12 Debbie has been referred to a Young Disabled Unit and a psychiatric unit ( ‘ On the second day they found her playing cards in the alcoholics ’ ward ’ ) .
13 It was knowing that surgery could work miracles that helped him overcome fears about the daunting operation .
14 ‘ Nicky honed her fighting skills in the toughest business in the world , modelling in Paris and New York , and she 's not ready to move on yet . ’
15 He had given us the computer codes to chalk on the outside of the boxes , but you would n't have caught him packing files into the boxes or wrapping them up with pink tape afterwards .
16 Now normally over each break there 's not that much there 's I 've had a few students who say they want lessons through the holiday cut normally not that much but this
17 how 's that , has it got rockets on the back ?
18 Has it reduced gaps between the USSR and Western countries ?
19 He had taken a sheet of writing paper from the desk and used it to make notes during the meeting .
20 In the later nineteenth century Europeans found themselves borrowing techniques from the USA .
21 And he was delighted to find that these forerunners of pop journalism had used the same skills as those on which he prided himself to stamp events into the nation 's consciousness .
22 Seeing the way the debate was going , the health spokesmen of the Labour Party , Michael Meacher , and of the SDP , Mike Thomas , who had previously been urging me to make economies in the drugs bill , jumped overboard and joined the critics .
23 Hoddle says I shook hands at the end and I 'll see you on New Year 's Day .
24 Fen did n't even bother to look at her but instead busied himself pulling curtains across the cabin windows .
25 Being sort of at an angle to it and , but i it first of all it allows you to see textures in the wall and things rather better , erm and it makes for generally speaking , a more interesting composition .
26 When it comes to a more sophisticated use , DLabel includes a database utility which allows you to specify fields from the a database to be printed at a given position .
27 Crazy paving allows you to introduce curves into the path outline very easily .
28 Doing a little research I can give you approximate numbers of the various things the Guild has made since the turn of the century as follows : 645 sets of Mass vestments , 121 copes , 226 altar cloths , 211 albs plus hundreds of pieces of small linen corporals , purificators amices , etc .
29 S so I mean do you try and u do you use things around the area ?
30 Louis-Napoleon was now convinced that he must do something to remind Frenchmen of the existence of the Bonapartes .
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