Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [verb] [prep] the first " in BNC.

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1 With this in mind , she had taken Charles with her when she went to see them perform for the first time .
2 It is providing an early dealing service to society members , allowing them to deal on the first day the shares are traded .
3 It is providing an early dealing service to society members , allowing them to deal on the first day the shares are traded on the stock market .
4 He did n't want them jailed in the first place .
5 IT IS a measure of the strength of the entry for the Hi-Tec British Open Championships that the world No 28 , Brett Newton , of Australia , found himself eliminated in the first round of the qualifying competition yesterday .
6 D' ya remember in the first when we had curly going everywhere .
7 I thought you were an experienced professional or I 'd never have let you go in the first place !
8 Would it be worth actually having a , having a sort of a planning meeting , say you know for the first half hour of one of these meetings , the next one say that we have , you know , a wall planner , you know , a chart and
9 One night , waiting in her car outside a pub to which she had followed him , she suddenly found herself crying for the first time .
10 ‘ The experts say it dates to the first century , ’ Anna Sabatini had said when she 'd noticed Caroline admiring it .
11 and let me deal with the first form ?
12 Justin says he ran for the first bit and now has a big blister
13 Let us begin with the first step in the above argument .
14 Let us look at the first problem first .
15 Many techniques for stress reduction can be appropriated by the same injunctions to succeed that got you stressed in the first place , and should be discontinued if you spot that they have been subverted in this way ( unless your goal has also changed along the way from stress reduction to record-breaking ) .
16 ‘ If we can keep them contained for the first half then we 've got a chance of pinching a couple of goals . ’
17 What a recipe for disaster — going back to that Spanish girl who 'd got him sacked in the first place , and then …
18 That was what set me thinking in the first place . ’
19 ‘ I just hope I can keep shooting birdies like I have in the first two rounds . ’
20 language I remember you saying in the first year when you first came to Birmingham
21 Name something connected with the first John 's job or home area .
22 I think , assume everything starts on the first beat of the bar as well .
23 These last few months of building a new identity had enabled him to relax for the first time in years .
24 The coroner heard it revealed for the first time — none of the family knew it — that Charlie had had a stroke a few months before , which explained the strange behaviour .
25 So it still was n't gon na meet the actual need that prompted them to occur in the first place .
26 Jelka looked about her , letting herself relax for the first time since she had heard of the attack on the Project , drinking in the harmony of the garden .
27 Either you have lost the letter or you did n't have it to lose in the first place , in which case the king never gave it to you , i which case he gave it to me , in which case I would have put it into my inside top pocket in which case ( Calmly producing the letter ) … it will be … here .
28 I find myself turning to the first chapter of the Book of Genesis for an insight into what I am hinting at here .
29 Science can try to understand what happened in the first half billionth of a second of the life of the universe .
30 That 's probably what got him started in the first place .
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