Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [verb] [verb] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I did n't see the new dog till it was nearly six months old and its mistress asked me to call to treat it for a slight attack of eczema .
2 Quite why this put the scrutineers in a dilemma I do n't know , but they asked me to protest to get them off the hook .
3 In other words , a facilitator is ultimately a person who helps the group bypass its defensive routines instead of helping them to learn to engage them in order to get rid of them .
4 Journalists who call to the farm to interview me do see us in that setting and describe it as they will but those really are only momentary glimpses into what must remain , fundamentally , my private life .
5 Other times she made me promise to keep them for ever , to remember her by , and say a prayer She was a bit vague who it was I was to pray to .
6 I do n't think I 've eaten it since childhood .
7 I do n't think I 've told you about Mr Grovey our drama teacher yet , have I ?
8 Well yeah but , cos I mean I 'd left it on all night before .
9 I mean I 've done it for love ! ’
10 but if they are wankers nothing you do , and including , I mean I 've done it in the past , slowed right down and nine times out of ten it jus it just incenses them to drive even closer .
11 The colouring to the hair , I mean I 've got it in another colour , but I , I think it
12 Yeah but I mean I 've had it since your fortnight before Christmas on and off .
13 I mean I did ask you about the outstanding bills and loans whereas if we 'd 've been doing the thing properly we 'd 've gone through that
14 ‘ I did n't know I had to put it on the meat — ’
15 Some light is perhaps shed on the problem by the most recent psychological researches on memory , which have identified two rather different kinds of memory — ‘ explicit ’ memory , which amounts to relatively detailed recall of a set of stimuli ; and ‘ implicit ’ memory , which is distinctly short of detail , but enables people , in effect , to ‘ know I 've seen it before somewhere ’ .
16 Now Zain has given me great help and everybody sort of helped er you know I 've discussed it with everybody and we 've almost finished erm a really good proposal I think .
17 They sent him home from school or something , send him straight home from school and er , do n't know I suppose take him to hospital today and then , I assume they 've got to bring him home and he said oh no he said you have n't got to take me home he said cos the boy 's got to be from school , come round tomorrow and pick you up
18 But erm , that 's Linda , and er , as I say I 've known her for seven years , you can have a bit of fun , she can take a joke , she 's got a good sense of humour , and nice to work with , and she 's nice to work with .
19 The strap is a strong rubber one but I found I had to overtighten it at the surface , otherwise it became loose when my drysuit seal compressed at depth .
20 ‘ If they want to go at a certain pace and not become a Top Five singles band you have to respect them for it .
21 I expect she does love you in her own way , ’ she said gently .
22 ‘ I expect she 's left it at home , ’ I said .
23 If the Council 's Temporary Press Officer , who had been appointed solely to deal with the alleged child abuse controversy , had been given such confidential information , she said , they wanted to know who had given it to him .
24 D' you want to see me in prison ? ’
25 It did n't hurt that much , but he pretended she 'd got him in the balls , hoping for a little wifely penitence .
26 Everything conspires to whisk you back into the past , including the statue of a fierce bearded mercenary leaning on his shield and grasping his pike firmly as though challenging you to try to take it from him .
27 I suppose it 's a satisfying thing — to know you 've done it at last and it 's all there , nice and clean .
28 Completer finisher well if you want something done give it to the completer finisher .
29 But if we can not recognise something as it stands we try to analyse it into parts that we can recognise .
30 His tousled hair gave him an appealingly boyish appearance , and Robbie found herself aching to smooth it for him , to run her fingers over the dark stubble on his cheeks .
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