Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [noun] [coord] for a " in BNC.

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1 A petite , pleasant-faced doxy , however , caught my eye and for a few hours I became old Shallot again , whiling away the time , telling the most outrageous stories and making her laugh both in the taproom and on her feather-filled mattress in the chamber above .
2 Unable to get his life and work in gear , Chris Penn changed his name and for a time worked on a building site before earning good money being beaten black and blue as a prize fighter .
3 He met her eyes and for a second time ; she smiled her shy smile at him , but his swimming head filled it with invitations .
4 Many local authorities withdrew or reduced their contributions and for a while Unwin financed the continuation of the Committee 's work himself to publish a Second and final report in March 1933 , which made a more detailed proposal for a narrow green girdle around London .
5 The men work with practised skill , pausing only to sharpen their axes or for a short cigarette break .
6 She scooped up Victoria , ignoring her protests but for a quick kiss , and dropped her into her cot , gesturing Melanie to lie down .
7 Alison refilled our cups and for a moment we took refuge in the polite rituals of milk and sugar .
8 His parents had neglected this aspect of his upbringing , having largely abandoned their religion but for a few outer forms before he was born .
9 He took her arm and for a moment Sophie resented his high-handed manner .
10 Rostov reached for the flat permahide envelope which contained his orders and for a moment he brushed absently at the crisp new admiral 's stripe on his sleeve .
11 Perkin , on her other side , murmured something to get her attention and for a while I watched Tremayne make the best of our table having been graced by the sponsor 's wife , a gushing froth of a lady in unbecoming lemon .
12 She could cancel her newspapers and for a few pence from a local jumble sale acquire an old-fashioned cookery book , and a heavy stew pot .
13 On his saint 's day she summons him into her inmost boudoir , dismisses her girls , permits him to braid her hair and for a moment to fondle her breasts .
14 A strong hand stayed her fall and for a brief instant she was flung against Fen 's chest , his heartbeat quite audible as her breathing seemed suspended .
15 Slowly she drained her glass and for a moment held it in front of her , staring at and smoothing the condensation away with her thumb .
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