Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [noun] [prep] [art] time " in BNC.

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1 Is she alright now without them or does she have to wear them part of the time ?
2 Being used for draught work until quite recently , the French animals retained their size at a time when British cattle were deliberately bred smaller and more short-legged , and these bigger , muscular , fast-growing and later maturing French types now meet today 's demands for lean ‘ supermarket ’ meat cuts .
3 Merlyn demanded to know why he had not reported her departure at the time .
4 Drawing on an earlier record of municipal activity and labour representation , it was able to consolidate its position at a time of hope for a new future by an active fusion of Labour Party , trade union and cooperative effort .
5 They are a silent order , pledged not to allow a single word to pass their lips in the time they spend as guardians of the shrine .
6 But Cecil 's string was struggling to find its form at the time and Rainbow Lake could manage no better than a modest sixth to subsequent Derby fourth Cairo Prince .
7 She had regained her senses by the time she made her way back with his drink .
8 The court said that he was plainly soliciting their custom at a time when he was under a duty of fidelity to his employer and awarded his former employers damages .
9 Although they did n't know their names at the time , they spotted Dominic Wetherby and the American boy , Lee Horan , going into the public bar , but no-one suggested that the two parties should join up .
10 Director Stephen Lee said : ‘ Charities are under enormous pressure to increase their services at a time when fundraising has never been so constrained .
11 Your Royal Highness , commodores , and members of the Association , may I begin my report by thanking you Ma'am for the time you have given to our sport , for being with us at our Annual General Meeting and for the address you have just delivered .
12 The treatment of Abdulkerim by Katib Celebi and his followers is consistent ( and interesting ) in so far as they rightly , one believes , place his Muftilik in the time of Mehmed II , in accordance with the and as opposed to the view of the unmodified traditional account ; but on the assumption that the available texts of Katib Celebi and Hezarfen are accurate , the writers connected with the Katib Celebi view appear to differ amongst themselves about the nature and timing of his Muftilik , possibly because Katib Celebi " s list is particularly cryptic and , at first sight , confused at this point .
13 He chuckled to himself as he drove , and had forgotten his worries by the time he had hauled two armfuls of grocery supplies up to his apartment .
14 But he failed to persevere with his invention ; nor was the era of relatively abundant labour supply and of machine-breaking propitious for its development , whereas McCormick perfected his reaper at a time favourable to its adoption by farmers in North America and Europe .
15 This can be multiplied manyfold in its unpleasantness , if you are a woman emptying your bladder at the time .
16 ‘ If you really mean what you say , then the solution is obvious : you and I must simply bury our differences for the time being .
17 Perhaps she reserves her fondest memories for Sergeant Barry Mannakee who became her bodyguard at a time when she felt lost and alone in the royal world .
18 This , we hoped , would permit us to see the various stages of the project in operation from the time when a school began to plan its proposal to the time when the materials purchased with project funds were already in use .
19 Gatsby does have more success than Clegg , as he and Daisy do rekindle their affair for a time and plan for Daisy to leave her husband .
20 He then forced himself to get through the rest of the day without writing , so that the well would have replenished its juice by the time he took up his pencil again the next daybreak .
21 They develop their bodies in no time .
22 Blast , I 'd forgotten all about that little oddity , although it did give me pause at the time .
23 ‘ Take them off and let's get them dry , you can borrow my slippers for the time being .
24 SSDs will inevitably have problems meeting their obligations in a time of ever-tightening budgets .
25 Their political passivity about these communal services ca n't be understood without taking into account the benefit of keeping it all in the family — for men it secured their surveillance over the time and labour of women .
26 We pick out those pieces which match our needs at the time [ My emphasis ] As have most people in the field , this author has participated in this game , using these data for illustration or emphasis in the classroom , as arguments in a paper , or as support in negotiating a budget or a new piece of equipment .
27 I 'm just describing my attitude at the time , which I shared with most of my fellow students : an attitude of complete boredom and feeling that nothing was worth making an effort for .
28 Indeed , I recall my impression at the time was of having stepped into a prison cell , but then this might have had as much to do with the pale early light as with the size of the room or the bareness of its walls .
29 In the story I have just told , I explain how self-image dominated my life for a time .
30 It destroyed morale throughout the regime , forcing commanders and party chiefs to activate their tribal links with the Mujahideen and save their skins before the time of reckoning .
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