Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [noun] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 This is done by transferring the membrane to mixtures progressively richer in the solvent , allowing them time to equilibrate with the mixture , then transferring again until pure solvent is reached .
2 It brought several things to mind : the evident barrier during negotiations between the steward and the women ; the warnings of a friend about my own relationship with the steward — ‘ You put too much trust in that man ’ ; and the remark made when I reported how I had initially explained my research aims to the union stewards — ‘ You told the Secret Service !
3 On the way down I had my camera tied to my waist and it started to drop ; in trying to grab it I lost my balance , got my foot caught in the tree root , took a tumble and twisted my ankle .
4 I put two chairs together , sat down on one with Dawn and got my mother to sit on the other chair with the cat .
5 I mean , my husband has even at one point had to come into the bathroom , when I got my mother stuck in the bath er , could n't get her out , it was , it was him or the fire brigade , tha that was the choice , basically !
6 I got my nose pressed against the glass and it keeps steaming up with my huff , so I wipe it with my fingers .
7 I got my staff to check on the Charlotte T. , and found that she had sailed the day after Andrew Stavanger wrote his letter .
8 My pleasure at seeing my name appear in the November journal as a new member by examination was tempered by the long list of those gaining membership by direct entry — indeed , a list of comparable length with those graduate members .
9 He replies : It 's not the type of car I 'd want my wife to take to the shops .
10 I do n't want my child to turn into an anti-social loner which , as your article pointed out , is one of the perils of spending hour after hour playing computer games .
11 I do n't want my house looking like a tip !
12 ‘ We would n't want my son to come into the world without his father 's name now , would we , eh ? ’
13 I will make my views known to the world community and to UNESCO ’ .
14 This has not prevented accusations that Bantam shamefully exploited my illness and that I cooperated with this by allowing my picture to appear on the cover .
15 I shifted my weight on to my other foot , looked around the landing and up the stairs , half-expecting to see my father leaning over the banister rail , or to see his shadow on the wall of the landing above , where he thought he could hide and listen to my phone calls without me knowing .
16 December 7 , 1786 : I am in a fair way of becoming as eminent as Thomas a Kempis or John Bunyan , and you may expect henceforth to see my birthday inserted among the wonderful events in the Poor Robin 's and Aberdeen Almanacks , along with the black Monday and the battle of Bothwell Bridge .
17 However , thought she , it would be right to take the children , which I did — thus proving , not for the first the last time , I 'd be wasting my time applying for the Mensa test .
18 To promote and facilitate discussion at school level about the philosophy of the Catholic school ( using my experiences working for the Queensland Catholic Education Commission as a stimulus . )
19 One day I overheard my mother speaking to a friend , or rather to an acquaintance , since she was clearly deemed worthy only of instant or cliche speech .
20 I passed my June copy to a friend who lives in Norfolk feeling sure I would be able to replace it but without success , and I was away on holiday for the August copy .
21 I may modify my behaviour to conform to the expectations of the group , and I will do so in a much shorter time than I would in a one-to-one relationship .
22 If it is crystal clear and I am convicted of being in my dotage or of going on at half-cock then I shall ask British Telecom to accept my apologies wince at the thought of my next bill , and keep my nose clean .
23 His argument was that it would free my father to return to the States , but Ron is never so simple . ’
24 I used to find my bed set at an angle from the wall , and though I straightened it , always it was moved back into this odd position .
25 Without moving and keeping my eyes focused on the page , I thought ‘ dinner , Sorrel ’ .
26 IN THE run-up to last Thursday I found my thoughts turning to a story Alistair Cooke once told to explain the most notorious of all opinion poll upsets , Truman 's victory over Dewey in 1948 .
27 Rushing for the exit , I found my escape blocked as a chorus of sinister cackling closed in around me .
28 She let my fingers rest on the cool skin of her check ; but something in her now steady look , a declaration of inaccessibility , made me take my hand away .
29 She turned her head slightly , opening her eyes to gaze at the firm , tanned hands clasping the wheel of the super-charged sports car that Ross had hired earlier that afternoon .
30 The grandmother of a child killed in violence in Sarajevo may need her arm amputated after a mortar bomb attack at the child 's funeral .
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