Example sentences of "[verb] [art] [noun pl] for the new " in BNC.

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1 The Gnomes had rolled the designs for the new Crown Jewels into cylinders and packed them carefully into long , hollow tubes , which they had brought with them for the purpose .
2 Last week , Andrew Hugh Smith , chairman of the Exchange , announced the appointment of Sir Geoffrey Littler as head of the Clearing House Formation Committee , which is charged with developing the proposals for the new settlement system .
3 PJ O'ROURKE is writing the lyrics for the new JULIAN COPE album .
4 The team was able to discuss the proposals for the new programme with MITI and with a number of the key industrial participants .
5 He said : ‘ I should also be grateful if you would inform your readers that the Department of Transport have now agreed to reduce the fees for the new Transport & Works Act Orders which replace the old Light Railway Orders with effect from January 1 and the fees which will be payable in respect of applications where no compulsory purchase order is being sought will now be £750 for the first hectare ( or part of one hectare ) and thereafter £250 for each 0.5 hectare ( or part thereof ) with a maximum fee of £80,000 .
6 The aim of the survey was to assess the preparations for the new tax being made by the 12 levying authorities — nine regional and three islands councils .
7 It gave no prices for the new models .
8 The principal fears engendered by what has been called the revolution in reproduction are created by ignorance ; and as George Corner , who helped to lay the foundations for the new reproductive technology , foresaw , lack of understanding leads to fears , inhibitions and blind taboos .
9 The financial crises of 1929 and 1931 and the following years ' dramatic collapse in trade and production helped to lay the foundations for the new industries and the new international trading blocs that began in the 1930s and 1940s , and for the new international financial system established in the 1940s .
10 Responding to what they say are inaccurate press stories — which we have not seen — Micro Focus Plc has issued a statement with Microsoft Corp 's concurrence , saying that their current agreement between will expire on September 30 , but that both want to continue their business relationship into the future and are exploring the terms for the new agreement ; as if to emphasise the point , Microsoft yesterday announced shipment of Microsoft Cobol professional development system version 5.0 for Windows , with support for the Visual Basic programming system for Windows and embedded structure query language ; it says the new release incorporates the latest version of the Micro Focus compiler , and creates executable files faster and smaller than previous releases ; it is $900 , now .
11 Public meetings held by NGC to explain the reasons for the new line did little to quell public fear of the pylons and hundreds of letters were despatched to MPs who joined the fight .
12 I promised Dillon I 'd be around when the architect brings the plans for the new extension . ’
13 Helped by eminent scientists , Bate worked continually to improve the hydrometers and his skills were acknowledged when he was asked to make the models for the new standard weights and measures of capacity enacted by Parliament in 1825 to replace existing ancient local measures .
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