Example sentences of "[verb] [art] [adj] [adj] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 Much higher up , an eighty-foot bamboo ladder precariously met the small square opening to the chiselled vault .
2 One reason why some of the most energetic of antislavery activists in the 1830s resorted to the mass public meeting , the public lecture , the organisation of vast petitions and the delegate convention was that they lacked the easy personal access to ministers and administrators which an earlier generation of antislavery leaders possessed .
3 I presumed the countless minor mishaps to be part of any climber 's learning process .
4 Dot watched as her mother applied the shiny flame-red lacquer to each toe-nail .
5 Lord Minchampstead installs new steam-engines on his farms , enforces the new Poor Law to the letter , and will not give a farthing away in alms .
6 Anticipated savings of £50,000 in other Admin. areas bring the total expected savings to approximately £150,000 .
7 It has a chance to influence that power bloc , democratise its institutions , correct the many faults in the present European community institutions , bring the new financial centre to London , and ensure that the bloc is a benign institution , shouldering world problems and finding aid and defence solutions to them .
8 It took only a few minutes for the Doctor to break down and analyse the strangely oily powder , using the lateral molecular rectifier to be absolutely certain .
9 Given the traditional English attachment to the extravagant version of the judicial independence doctrine , it is perhaps not surprising that even these modest calls for reform should have fallen on deaf ears .
10 It is a short step from drawing the simplified skeletal figures to drawing a mannequin which may serve as a basis for the fully fleshed-out human being .
11 It is a short step from drawing the simplified skeletal figures to drawing a mannequin which may serve as a basis for the fully fleshed-out human being .
12 To say however that this route supplies the only reliable way to knowledge is grossly to overstep its boundaries .
13 The hot water cylinder supplies the domestic hot water to the taps .
14 ‘ It slows the autonomic nervous system to the barest limit of operation , but does n't affect the higher brain functions .
15 Similarly , the Hungarians became the principal external threat to the Christianized Germanic peoples of Europe in the late ninth and tenth centuries , particularly in conjunction with the Slavs ; and after the former 's defeat and settlement on the Middle Danube , it was a natural instinct of the Saxon rulers to draw them into the orbit of western Christian kingdoms .
16 The Ethiopian People 's Democratic Revolutionary Front ( EPDRF ) , an alliance between the TPLF and the Ethiopian People 's Democratic Movement , a smaller group operating in Wollo and Gondar provinces , became the main direct threat to the government in 1990 ; other groups under the EPDRF umbrella include the Ethiopian Democratic Officers ' Movement , the Oromo People 's Democratic Organization and the Afar Democratic Union .
17 Later , over their wine at the Franz Joseph , he would make the odd tactful comment to Busacher .
18 After he 'd placed the order , she then braved the dusty unmade roads to St Philip to deliver a second deposit , this time to the factory-owner personally .
19 On Feb. 20 , Germany offered to pay DM400 million towards UK war costs , bringing the total German contribution to allied costs to $12,000 million .
20 By phasing in HDMAC gradually , over a number of years , the European manufacturers hoped to time its introduction to take advantage of the increasing miniaturisation of some of the associated technologies , while avoiding the high costs associated with bringing the new digital technology to the market .
21 The sheer stolid , unimaginative common sense of the man ( stupidity , to his lively young mate Jukes ) brought the ship through appalling seas and produced the only possible solution to the confusion into which the typhoon had thrown the precious dollars of his Chinese passengers .
22 And they got the usual terse rejection-slip to that effect .
23 The only sad note was that I missed the second half and was given no credit for our victory , despite masterminding the whole tactical approach to the game .
24 Hooker Phil Kearns , at only 24 , is undoubtedly going to be around for many years to come and successfully led the Australian under-21 team to victory over New Zealand under 21 's four years ago .
25 It is the pendentive which represents the great Byzantine contribution to structural form and enabled the large domed structures of Europe , from Russia to southern France , to be built .
26 unc Now change the following improper fractions to mixed numbers .
27 He quite possibly made that catastrophe recede by denying the aggressive Chinese access to Russian secrets .
28 I bounced the bonny bicephalous back to Rex .
29 Small cottage industries , an hotel , the two public houses and the shop provide the only additional work to the farming industry now .
30 Despite announcing the projected two-year trip to the southern hemisphere expressly for this purpose , Gould began to publish the first parts of his Birds of Australia before he had even left .
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