Example sentences of "[verb] [art] [noun sg] at the end " in BNC.

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1 There were minor differences in the arrangement of the hand-rails , they lacked the loop at the end of the dash top rail and there were typical Brush brackets supporting the stair landings .
2 Greenpeace had taken one of its boats , the Cedarlea , to monitor the radioactivity at the end of the Sellafield discharge pipeline .
3 He did n't see anyone down there , but he insists that as he passed the alcove at the end of the gallery , he had the strong impression that someone was sitting in there , watching him . ’
4 When , during the Children 's Address , a rhetorical question is asked as a step towards drawing the moral at the end , there is great danger of a mighty fall .
5 The pretty stone bridge which crosses the stream at the end of the walled garden is also listed .
6 ‘ They 'd been raiding the school at the end of Dwyer Street . ’
7 At last he 's beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel .
8 At last he 's beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel .
9 Sun Tzu had placed the subject at the end of his thirteen-chapter work with good reason .
10 But the jury ; the fans announced the sentence at the end .
11 I 've always wanted to get as stoned as quickly as possible to enjoy the evening at the end of a working day .
12 I do n't think you tackled all the needs in the now area of it but you got the amount at the end of it .
13 And the final balance represents the position at the end of the or should do .
14 O'Brien had approached the Prince at the end of 1984 because he wanted support for a particular project , called Fullemploy .
15 Do you know the woman at the end of our road , right ?
16 The body of the animal occupied the cavity at the end of the spiral — the living chamber .
17 • is made before you start work under the new contract ; • is in writing ; • specifies the date at the end of the trial period ; and • specifies the terms of employment which will apply as at the end of that period .
18 ’ He stopped the car at the end of his garden .
19 Patterson was very unlucky when he ran out of road coming into the start and finish area and had to restart the race at the end of lap two .
20 Vermuyden had faced remarkable difficulties , not least the age-old problem of clients who want the profit at the end of the day , but who are not prepared to lay out sufficient capital to achieve it .
21 ‘ We must still trust the market at the end of the day .
22 A delay timer , variable between zero and 180 seconds , holds the elevator at the end of the slew , allowing the corners of the store to be filled evenly .
23 Therefore , we decided to offer prolonged treatment to the remaining patients who approximated a response at the end of the scheduled therapy ( partial response ) .
24 I did n't get thrown very often , but that is no good if you still do n't win a medal at the end of the day .
25 Rachaela went from the woman and found a chair at the end of the line .
26 He found a place at the end of AA ( for Ash ) near the door .
27 Holly found a place at the end of a table , extra room was made for him .
28 To help you work out what these costs are likely to be , we have included a guide at the end of this booklet detailing the main expenses .
29 Much more satisfactory is the method of lofting a pulley at the end of the main kiteline and passing a continuous loop of secondary line through the pulley .
30 Without the humour or positive ending of Ariel ( the second part of the trilogy ) , The Match Factory Girl has a twist at the end which makes it fascinating but depressing
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