Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] you [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 'm surprised I have n't heard about you on the grapevine .
2 That 's why , I said I , I said I 'd heard about you in the papers and the just said oh yeah !
3 Under the special cover we have arranged for you with the Norwich Union , all Insured Persons of any age are covered , and the Policy will cover you should you have to cancel your holiday for certain reasons .
4 Buildings insurance is essential and therefore usually arranged for you by the Society .
5 Or the poster I produced for you of the doves of peace made with human hands .
6 There was a murmur of conversation , then the receptionist said , ‘ He will wait for you in the bar .
7 ‘ Surely I already know what the contents of our contract are — namely , that I am to work for you for a period of eighteen months , after which time you will release me with my debt to you cancelled ? ’
8 ‘ You want me to work for you after the way you 've treated me ?
9 What 's the midwife 's job when she cares for you after the birth ?
10 Try to relate the interim end-result of everything you do , decide or say to the overall profitable contribution expected of you at the year 's end .
11 K. R. You might be in Park Lane and a fellow 's walking towards you with a suitcase .
12 ‘ You are a good officer , Merymose , ’ he said at last , ‘ and although I disagree with you about the capability of our Medjays , I respect your judgment .
13 God lives in you by the power of his spirit and he will guide you into truth , life and peace .
14 I have been asked to write to you about the street light outside Annfield on Station Lane Scorton .
15 Sir : I was prompted to write to you by the letter from J. Dawson in the July issue .
16 I have only just plucked up the courage to write to you after a year and a half of reading ZZAP !
17 Peter called to him : ‘ Lord if it is you , tell me to come to you over the water . ’
18 I think it would be when the committee comes to the director of property services and says , we would like this to happen , that 's when we 'd have to come to you before the application
19 And therefore he is forbidden to you by every rule , natural or manmade .
20 Yes , I have n't brought the modular things I mentioned to you on the phone the other day but I think it would be very useful to sit down and look at structuring that
21 It is not a good idea simply to rely on advertisements in the local paper but far better to go to someone who has been recommended to you by a friend who has been successfully treated .
22 For example , if someone gave as their hobbies on their CV only reading and chess , and they were applying to you for a job where they would be working with the public , might you not have doubts about that person ?
23 I don I should also say that following a very recent decision er in our submission that 's probably right , that my Lord as I say , I say to you with no joy , this really is desperate and er one can not have , in our submission , in the minds of the jury by inadmissible evidence , the suggestion that yes we have been harbouring this man two days before .
24 She looks at you in a state of undress with undisguised shock .
25 ‘ It 's got to the point where he looks at you in the morning as if he 's wondering where we are going to send him next .
26 Whatever money 's left over that 's not been committed by you , if they find that they 've got fifteen hundred say , that 's not been committed by you at the end of the financial year , that will automatically go into deposit
27 he always thinks of you as an Inspector
28 Have you found the art world to be completely accepting of you as a woman ?
29 Ellen Jebeau brought her lips tightly together and drew them inwards between her teeth before she said , with deep bitterness , ‘ I do n't know about it being a time for plain speaking , I can only say that time has shown your ingratitude for what I 've done for you over the years . ’
30 But a Custom Blend , something that is made for you in every aspect of the product , is obviously going to be better .
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