Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] it to the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A had no proprietary interest in the farm but had transmitted earlier offers for it to the bank who were trustees of it .
2 You needed to use imagination to see through it to the ground below .
3 We have come through it to the extent that I am north and west Belfast Branch Secretary .
4 ‘ I believe , ’ said the commissioner who reported on it to the Health of Towns Commission in 1845 ,
5 I try any watch the production at some time during the week in order to be able to talk about it to the Press .
6 Having reached the most distant onlookers , a young couple pushing up-and-down a baby in a pram , the girl drew tight the neck of the bag and strolled with it to the stage .
7 As a matter of practice , moneys paid into the account would be transferred from it to the account in Scotland if not immediately , then certainly within a matter of days , for amalgamation with the general fund .
8 And I would rush to the window and look down and see you turning the corner to cross the square below , or walk round it to the hotel door .
9 Once a decision is made it must be communicated in writing to the claimant , who then has three months in which to appeal against it to the SSAT .
10 I have in fact si since seeing this sent her a copy of the paper I put to this meeting , erm , having seen that , because I did n't know that she was waiting for it to the commentary with .
11 it was very clever , I watched the first couple because people who like Harry Enfield 's comic characters switched on , just to see what he was like and before you knew it you were twenty minutes into a half hour programme and you stuck with it to the end .
12 He spread it out , and glanced from it to the screen .
13 Disappointed at the constable 's absence , since he and Richard had prepared a verbal message for their mother , Edward remarked on it to the servant , a stranger , who brought their supper .
14 Cautiously he mounted the remaining stairs , recognised the figure for what it was and stepped over it to the wheelhouse .
15 For the period , a remarkable sense of town planning is shown here with the main square , the Malostranské náměstí or Lesser Town Square in the centre and , running from it to the castle , the wide Nerudova Street , and Mostecká , leading to Charles Bridge and Letenská .
16 While it was unquestionably the most important candidate for saving by the nation , if all efforts had been concentrated on it to the exclusion of others the nation would have lost Belton and Calke .
17 I always remember Jessie saying , ‘ Come on twins , let's go over the tap , ’ and we 'd go through it to the tune Sitting On Top Of The World .
18 It was like a door opening suddenly , and for a split second Sarella saw behind it to the affection Marc felt for his feckless younger brother .
19 Foundations can be defined as those parts of the structure in direct contact with the ground which transfer the weight of the building and the loads exerted on it to the soil beneath .
20 Stepping down at the end , he lay on the bed of nails and rolled across it to the foot of the ladder , which he climbed , pausing on each blade to detach a yellow paper prayer flag and send it fluttering to the ground .
21 He directed me to a main road on the edge of Jaffa and to a small lane that ran off it to the north .
22 A stream ran through it to the river .
23 The woodland , marching up the hill , vanished before it but reached an arm around to the west , fringing the road , and then ran behind it to the north , forming a long backdrop to the palm house and the terraces .
24 I saw Joseph by the back door , caught hold of the lamp he was carrying , and ran with it to the gate .
25 The house owner found it and ran with it to the boat . ’
26 Meanwhile , Intel 's hardware OEMs , already totally paranoid about delays to Pentium , are said to have been threatened with dire consequences , even lawsuits , if they leak any information about Pentium or the systems they 're building around it to the press .
27 In a situation where it is required to perform some task , the reaction time can be seen to include the following : ( a ) the time taken by the stimulus to activate the sense organ and for impulses to travel from it to the brain , ( b ) the central processes concerned with the identification of the signal and the response to it , and ( c ) the time required to energise the muscles and produce the correct response .
28 She stopped a taxi , returned in it to the house , made it wait while she ran in to drag down any other curtains that remained .
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