Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] it [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The case of the chartered accountant who has just been found guilty of a serious reckless driving offence only came to the Institute 's attention by chance , when an Investigation Committee member heard about it on the radio .
2 Some of you might have heard about it in the press .
3 A had no proprietary interest in the farm but had transmitted earlier offers for it to the bank who were trustees of it .
4 They argued about it for the rest of the afternoon , he becoming sullen and sorry , she remaining dispassionate , untouched-She was impressed by his sudden remorse .
5 She got through it without a mistake .
6 But we got through it in the end and their happy , and I 'm happy !
7 When the post of Missioner at Warrington became vacant , he applied for it at the age of 38 , and he remained at Warrington until his retirement thirty years later .
8 At rehearsals , Les Cox agreed it would be wiser not to practise falling down the stairs as it was a skill which took months to acquire — better just to go for it on the night .
9 Later it was found that its policies in relation to Polish territorial claims had been formulated for it by the Comintern as a way of weakening Poland .
10 He looks and the bear 's hanging off it at the side , grrr ! on the window and the man goes aargh ! and the man runs off and he gets on he gets on an aeroplane the aeroplane and he 's safe .
11 I asked for it at the suggestion of my cousin Sarah , who was slightly older than me and whom I greatly admired .
12 Well , perhaps I asked for it in a way , ’ Felicity admitted reluctantly .
13 Anselm fought for it with a tenacity which is only explicable if the whole scene which we have briefly surveyed is borne in mind : the primacy was the brightest of the dreams which the monks of Canterbury had inherited from their largely silent , ever-beckoning past , and on this question Anselm fell under the spell of the awe-inspiring tradition which he had helped to preserve .
14 He said he 'd think about it over the weekend , and let Paul know on the Monday .
15 No that was that was the Friday and as it says th well I do n't know if it says there or not , but they said what would happen , they 'd think about it over the weekend and they 'd contact me the Monday afternoon erm to make a final decision .
16 So er she says well you can think about it for a fortnight er you see her daddy put out discos altogether because of the lies but she cos she gets nervous because when she 's telling a lie to you she 'll go red
17 Can you think about it for a minute .
18 I 'll think about it on the way home . ’
19 You needed to use imagination to see through it to the ground below .
20 She crept through it like a cat , keeping to the shadows , avoiding anybody who might ask what her business was in this place .
21 Why did you let me read about it in the papers ?
22 I read about it in the paper today
23 She thinks he 's forgotten about it in the rush of leaving for America .
24 We have come through it to the extent that I am north and west Belfast Branch Secretary .
25 Now and then she lifted an eyeglass up and peered through it for a moment , and , evidently finding it useless at this distance , let it fall again , shaking her head in a frustrated way .
26 He constructed his own refined version of the newly-invented telescope and peered through it from the top of St Mark 's tower in Venice .
27 If there 's a traffic jam anywhere the new information unit will let you know about it on the hour as well .
28 The body 's mechanism takes over because the logical consequence of that would be to die , and we can see here that there is an arousal of something like eight to ten seconds , and during that period the patient would wake up , probably not sufficient that they would know about it in the morning , and we can see here that the breathing starts again .
29 Test for it with a screwdriver .
30 It needs a powerful machine to run it at a reasonable speed but even if you do n't have such a machine you need to know about it as a sign of things to come .
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