Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] going [adv] to the " in BNC.

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1 Some German women are up in arms , No thank you , they say to going back to the role of mothers and home builders .
2 It was peaceful with the plop-of the gas fire and the dark sky outside through the window , for like many old people Doris did not draw her curtains till late and Linda did not feel like going back to the bustle of tea-time , but she could n't keep them waiting for their tea .
3 The stones are sometimes said to turn round or dance before going down to the local stream or lake to drink .
4 So it 's use the red obviously the title and the red 's for your introduction to say what you 're going to say then say it by using your greens and then say what you 've said by going back to the red and coming back to your objective .
5 This takes a full litre of water — enough for one-and-a-half hours of constant steam ironing without going back to the tap .
6 And then she could n't cope with going out to the people there .
7 In the morning , though our route lay the other way , I insisted on going back to the old station for one more look .
8 Officers respond by going immediately to the places suspected to be the most likely sources of the effluent .
9 Yeah but I 'm talking about going up to the gym .
10 I understand that it is possible , even at this late stage , that the review itself could be overturned by the refusal of France to agree the new allocation of seats and we 've already had an exchange on that , Mr Deputy Speaker , which indicates that whatever we decide today might actually be overthrown and overturned completely by the inability of the French to ratify their part of the arrangement , er the minister referred to it as a massive inconvenience , I suggest that if we have to resort to going back to the old boundaries to fight these elections and indeed the problems that that will cause for the selection of candidates as well , that that will be one of the greatest understatements that even this house has heard .
11 The paper concludes with one view of how a workable integration practice might be achieved by going back to the drawing-board and examining the aims and objectives of educational integration .
12 But they remained Germans , always dreaming of going back to the Fatherland one day . ’
13 If any walls appear to lean , check by going back to the nearest upper window and drop a plumb line down .
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