Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] her [prep] be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He could hardly stand still for the two minutes it took to slip them over his blouse and he shouted at her to be quick , that Ferdinando was waiting to take him rabbit-shooting .
2 Lubor still seemed to her to be unsure .
3 She had worked hard last week , but there seemed to her to be more work than ever landing on her desk this week .
4 Molly turned the paper over and found a list of figures prefixed with lire signs and equipped with what seemed to her to be generous allowances of noughts .
5 ‘ OK , ’ Ari said , aware he wanted to get rid of her to be able to talk straight with Leila .
6 This continued for a long time during which he shuffled his feet uncomfortably , controlling his immediate impulse to shout at her to be quiet .
7 Now that Antoinette was dead , there was no one to repeat to her to be careful , not to drop it , to try at least to walk like a lady , not to plonk it down like that .
8 Molly 's discomfiture at her father 's unstoppable awfulness was increased by the spectacle of the hard-faced Giovanna , who appeared to her to be simpering , her eyes modestly downcast .
9 It had appeared , it would move on , but for this moment it was there for her — almost as if it had waited for her to be alone .
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