Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] him on [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Things , however , came to a head one day when a veterinary surgeon on his rounds , in a regulation Volvo estate , was alarmed to see Noddy tearing towards him on the wrong side of the road , in hot pursuit of a Transit van .
2 In 1741 Collinson reported to him on the miraculous achievement at Thorndon :
3 As Mr Mansell hesitated , Emerson Fittipaldi from Brazil and Arie Luyendyk from Holland zoomed past him on the main straight .
4 Legal sources said an underground cell was being prepared for him on a maximum security row at the federal penitentiary in Marion , Illinois , America 's most chilling jail .
5 She gave the king 's son honey to eat , and played to him on a golden zither , whose strings she brushed with a silver feather .
6 Governments would not be swayed , nor would ministers tremble , on receipt of elegantly crafted and crisply sarcastic Notes written by him on the antique encryption machine which could be seen in a corner of the office , slowly rusting away in the hot , salt air .
7 He had already acquired some ex-episcopal lands back in 1647–8 , in settlement of earlier debts owing to him on the public faith .
8 Now Sebastian is dead , long dead , and Alix is married to Brian Bowen , son of a saw polisher , grandson of a furnaceman , and often sits with him on an old settee in her stockinged feet .
9 So he passed over and the trumpets sounded for him on the other side . ’
10 The one thing Phil is still learning is how to cope when batsmen get after him on a good pitch .
11 I walked towards him on the stony track
12 When Simon the Trapper parted from him on the great north ride the Friar loosened the rope that girdled his waist , dragged up his gown a score of inches to free the movement of his lower legs , re-tied his girdle tightly , wiped his hands on the none too clean garment and taking hold of his staff set off up the highway in pursuit of his sack , of Marian , and of the verderers .
13 He slurped as noisily as a ravenous dog , mopping up what was left with hard crusts of bread which Father Peter shoved before him on a wooden platter .
14 Eliot produced a single page of notes from his pocket which he placed before him on the small table and brooded over for a while ; but when he started , he managed to pack in , during 45 minutes or so , a great deal of sound sense on the subject of drama and especially on the relation of drama to religion .
15 It was of no consequence ; Garland knew every step of the way and Mitch trotted ahead , pursuing an erratic course as he nosed out the rich odours brought to him on the moist air .
16 Slowly , slowly he undressed her , kissing each patch of pale , smooth skin , as it was revealed to him , stroking her , touching her all the while , until she lay before him on the huge expanse of bed , in the lacy fragments of her underwear — the only barrier between Luke and her nakedness .
17 There can , after all , be more than one possible explanation why a witness may retract evidence given by him on a previous occasion ; and , as must have been contemplated in Reg. v. Donat , 82 Cr.App.R. 173 , one possibility may be that it is the later retraction , rather than the earlier evidence , which is not worthy of belief .
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