Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] him [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd been caddying for Ralph Moffatt on the pro circuit and got him through the pre-qualifier at Fairhaven , so I told him I 'd be caddying for him in the Open as I 'd heard nothing from Jack .
2 Things , however , came to a head one day when a veterinary surgeon on his rounds , in a regulation Volvo estate , was alarmed to see Noddy tearing towards him on the wrong side of the road , in hot pursuit of a Transit van .
3 ‘ It would n't be wise to communicate with him in the usual way while he 's there . ’
4 I think that he , who could have had as many friends as he wished , never realized how much it meant to a lonely and friendless person to have a friend , to be seen walking with him in the rose-red streets of Salamanca , to be able to go to a concert or an art museum with him , to have him opposite me at dinner in even the meanest , cheapest restaurant .
5 Nine others are appearing with him at the commital proceedings .
6 Nine others are appearing with him at the commital proceedings .
7 I was put to work with him on the same bench and he not only taught me toolmaking , he also taught me about the trade union movement and the kind of society he wanted to see . ’
8 He has always had a high reputation in England and the Covent Garden Orchestra were obviously eager to work with him in the 1950s .
9 Paul had reasons for the private emptying of his ; he was still treating himself with a solution of the doctor 's recommended potassium permanganate crystals , and had to make his exit quickly when Willie was out of the room , as that gregarious gentleman would have come with him on the same errand ; then hurry outside with the tell-tale purple contents , empty them , rinse the pot at the pump , and come back .
10 Just as he disagreed with him about the essential or principal properties of body , Locke disagreed with Descartes about the mind .
11 Indeed , the suggestion might well have come from him in the first place , which would have been so much better for everyone .
12 Black fury rose in him against the evil creature who was leeching Ireland of her youth , but Nuadu quenched it , lest the Robemaker turn it to his use .
13 He watched her dab her cheeks , then wipe her eyes , his heart torn from him by the tiny shudder she gave .
14 I began to forget why I 'd been attracted to him in the first place . ’
15 Something in her had responded to him from the first moment they 'd met .
16 In 1741 Collinson reported to him on the miraculous achievement at Thorndon :
17 It had come to him over the last year or so that there was only one thing that made him different from other men , and that was the weight he was carrying on his mind .
18 Now er on the air at five o'clock mister Tim with drive at five and the early evening sequence , and we 're gon na chat to him in the next thirty minutes because he 's been out shopping today and he 's spent quite a lot of money on some brand new clothes .
19 I stopped beside him as the other three went on ahead .
20 It occurred to him for the first time that Celia would be a bad enemy , just as she was a good friend .
21 Part II requested the Secretary-General to report to the next ( 46th ) session on the recommendations addressed to him by the Intergovernmental Expert Group to Study the Economic and Social Consequences of Illicit Traffic in Drugs convened under Resolution 44/142 of Dec. 15 , 1989 [ see p. 37434 ] .
22 The Collector of Taxes in Glasgow in 1831 was one Blair , and the Loyal Reformers ' Gazette , a radical publication of the time , has a letter addressed to him in the following terms :
23 Kypov shouted at him across the few metres that separated them , and the breath spouted white from the Major 's mouth .
24 Early in February 1726 Montrose instructed his commissioner in Scotland to organise his friends to support the plan of a reduction in emoluments for the collector , believing that this would discourage the new candidates and ensure Kirkton 's re-election , for the duke was determined ‘ to stand by him upon the above terms , I mean of a smaller sellary for the future ’ .
25 As Mr Mansell hesitated , Emerson Fittipaldi from Brazil and Arie Luyendyk from Holland zoomed past him on the main straight .
26 How curious that she could now think of him without the tiniest pang ; it was as if the shadow of Max had been totally eclipsed by the substance of Luke — with all its ramifications .
27 Cup in hand , she was about to sit opposite him at the small kitchen table , but the unwelcoming look in his deep blue eyes changed her mind , and she wandered aimlessly through to the living-room .
28 The Butcher remained a vivid memory because , apart from my ordeal , I was constantly remanded of him by the dangerous wobbling of my pipe at the edge of that needless gap in my mouth .
29 Little was done for him in the three years up to his seventeenth birthday when , like so many others , he found companionship and , ironically , the security he craved for by joining the army .
30 He was retained by the king as one of his serjeants between 1287 and 1293 and is to be found acting for him in the 1287 Gloucestershire eyre and in the northern circuit eyres of 1292–3 as well as in the Common Bench and in the Exchequer .
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