Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] him [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It was n't a conscious move on her part , and yet , once open to his erotically roving tongue , she was helpless to do anything except melt against him with a low moan as the same desire as yesterday curled through her stomach .
2 This special tribute in WWF News attempts , however inadequately , to give WWF supporters and staff a picture of what Peter 's many qualities and leadership skills meant to some of those who have been privileged to work with him in a great adventure .
3 His most effective action so far has been to deflect the corruption allegations by recruiting Spain 's ‘ Mr Clean ’ to stand alongside him as a Socialist candidate .
4 It had come to him as a blinding revelation when he was but a small child .
5 And then he was passing beneath the huge , towering Gates , and he saw how they stretched above him into infinity , and he felt the timelessness of the great Prison descend on him like a huge , unseen weight .
6 It occurred to him with a sudden pang that this was now in jeopardy .
7 His qualities as a Christian king are extolled in a letter addressed to him by a certain Aurelian , who was once identified with the bishop of Arles of that name .
8 ‘ Dr Neil ? ’ she said , turning and bobbing at him like a proper servant , a manoeuvre which amused him , so that his lips twitched at the unlikely sight — it was so much at odds with her determined personality .
9 The headmaster looks at him with a firm but caring gaze .
10 She had looked at him for a long time , at first solemnly and then with mounting anger .
11 On the other hand , now he thought about it — that was one of the advantages of taking time out to think things through — there had been occasions when she had looked at him in a special way which made him think that she might not reject him .
12 Appeal from a decision of Macnaghten J. on the further consideration of an action tried by him with a special jury .
13 The animal seemed to understand Sir John 's words for it lunged towards him with a strangled growl ; its top lip curled , showing teeth as sharp as a row of daggers .
14 Biggs is of the opinion that Mason would be unlikely to survive more than a couple of rounds against the world heavyweight champion and at this stage it would be unwise to even think of him as a genuine contender .
15 With his shorts flapping around his knees and his wispy , thinning hair he was almost a caricature of a footballer , but Wally could mesmerise his opposing full-back or swerve past him at a deceptive pace , before putting across an accurate , teasing centre .
16 One day her mother came looking for him with a great heavy umbrella in her hand .
17 The old man had a house built for him in a pretty little Warwickshire village a few miles from Stratford , with the Avon flowing through the garden .
18 Legal sources said an underground cell was being prepared for him on a maximum security row at the federal penitentiary in Marion , Illinois , America 's most chilling jail .
19 For him , at that time and in that position , everything that could be seen between the distant boundaries of blue hill and black mountain , everything that spread below him under a fathomless heaven , was resonant with new meaning , new speech , new glory .
20 But the others evidently had not , or Rufus had not , walking jauntily and with swinging stride across the tarmac , his stethoscope bobbing up and down , letting himself into the main hospital block , Shiva later saw , by a door marked ‘ Private ’ , which he slammed behind him with a fine disregard for the notices exhorting all to silence .
21 The boy stood looking round him with a wary face and large , intent eyes .
22 And , if he was a man with , who had never been in trouble before , and perhaps with a young family , and through being hard-up and through illness or any other reason , he would speak to him in a fatherly manner .
23 My thoughts went back to yesterday evening and Jock at No. 4 Commando , the damage done to him by a German mortar bomb , his head almost split in two and a leg blown off .
24 In fact Waugh had just written to him as a stranger to thank him for his ‘ ingenious and delightful allegory ’ — his gratitude all the warmer because , as he flatteringly remarks , he had tried to buy a copy and found it sold out .
25 Tolstoy clearly appealed to him as a great apostle of non-violence , and one who enabled all votaries of ahi sā to realize and understand that non-violence involved not only the negative attitude of freedom from anger and hate but also the positive attitude of love for all men .
26 Very few came to him with a complete understanding of who he was and what he had come to do , so their faith was correspondingly weak .
27 To develop his system , the idea for which probably came to him during a passing involvement with cable trams , Holroyd Smith built three experimental miniature lines in Halifax during 1883–4 .
28 The sun came to him in a warm gust or like a warm veil enveloping him .
29 If it now came to him in a new way it was no doubt simply an aspect of his belongingness with Marcus and Irina .
30 ‘ This has gone too far , ’ she stormed , rounding on him like a vengeful fury .
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