Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] me [prep] be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Mrs Singh had been visited at home and the head had arranged for me to be present so that I could explain and reinforce any suggestions .
2 Since then there have been fundamental changes , and few of his principles appear to me to be applicable to the modern Constitution .
3 You appear to me to be fussy and pedantic .
4 Forcing values upon another without full discussion of what are to count as rights and duties appear to me to be anti-educational .
5 Some 36 years later I was invited to become Patron of Vliegclub Grimbergen , which honour I took very seriously and when my Belgian friends told me of the threatened closure of this , one of the busiest of Belgium 's general aviation airfields , I could see no obvious reason for closure , other than what only seemed to me to be political bias .
6 Her smile seemed to me to be defiant and triumphant and accepting all at once , which was ridiculous since a smile is only a smile : sometimes honest , sometimes forced no more .
7 This seemed to me to be one of the most perceptive remarks in the essay , about which some elaboration on his part would be of considerable interest .
8 That seemed to me to be daft , bordering on snobbery .
9 Neither picture seemed to me to be appropriate , and I could not quite understand why it was necessary for Aunt Louise to retire at all .
10 I did n't know any boys , except those I met through my sisters , and they seemed to me to be vain , impolite and almost totally inarticulate .
11 As honest and honourable Russian writers , they seemed to me to be emblematic in some way .
12 Its potential advantage to British industry seemed to me to be colossal .
13 they seemed to me to be heavy with symbolism but I could n't see anything .
14 After considering the nature of the exercise and the people involved , I decided against asking to use a tape-recorder and instead noted the events in longhand as they occurred and , where it seemed to me to be significant , noted what was said , verbatim .
15 This time it did n't occur to me to be frightened .
16 But other people have voluntarily talked to me about being gay in the context of AIDS .
17 There seem to me to be two problems with this line of argument ( which is essentially that speech is ‘ role-appropriate ’ and that gender is a major determinant of role ) .
18 If we examine the record of adult education in relation to the women 's movement there seem to me to be four kinds of responses .
19 There seem to me to be three possible remedies : ( 1 ) an action for malicious falsehood ; ( 2 ) a prosecution , with leave of the judge for criminal libel ; and ( 3 ) an action for libel by an individual within the local authority .
20 They concede that municipal monopoly of schooling has let down generations but they come back with ideas that seem to me to be sensible and subtle but also politically popular .
21 From the debate as it has developed so far , various things seem to me to be clear :
22 The negotiations , in which Rhodesia was represented by Mr Ian Smith , with Mr Lardner-Burke and Mr Howman — both understood by me to be very hard-liners — led to a provisional agreement on proposals for a settlement .
23 The importance of these statutory provisions appears to me to be that Parliament has considered at various times and in various contexts the need for recovery of imposts paid but not due and has legislated in a manner which suggests that no such general principle as the Woolwich contends for was thought to be in existence .
24 What appears to me to be essential both for the reader and for the novelist who together constitute a couple — and a couple always comprises two accomplices — is to guide complicity along a most exacting path .
25 Now he wanted to promote this triple alliance : he told Attlee , ‘ The iron appears to me to be hot .
26 Investment trusts , with their lower charges , have always seemed to me to be better value than unit trusts but both are eminently sensible vehicles for PEPs and the ending of the discrimination against them is welcome .
27 Bu bu bu bu but what , what was happening seemed to me to be consistent with that .
28 As a feminist I wanted these women to stop having what seemed to me to be silly attitudes …
29 The idea that we should divide our lives into three parts — education/full-time work/retirement — seems to me to be absurd .
30 seems to me to be good .
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