Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] its [noun] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Although his regime was credited with having introduced a degree of economic prosperity , it was widely criticized for its disregard for human rights .
2 The importance of the practice lies in its implications for monetary control and we shall mention it again in sections 4.3 and 9.1 .
3 As the century wore on , the returning prosperity of the countryside brought a markedly higher standard of living in its train for those best able to exploit their opportunities ; , the revival of trade facilitated the acquisition of luxuries .
4 On Feb. 27 the EC Commission agreed on its proposals for agricultural support for the 1991/92 EC agricultural year starting on April 1 .
5 One quarter of the capital and results of the joint venture is included in the group accounts as shown by its results for six months to 31st March 1991 .
6 Some of us have found the jobs we sought ; some have found renewed enthusiasm and enhanced skills for the search ; others are even now joining to take advantage of an organisation that is getting into its stride for greater efforts : but all of us send our very sincere thanks to all who have helped us when we needed them .
7 The only safe policy is to have oxygen equipment available and to insist on its use for any attempts at Gold or Diamond Heights .
8 Log-It wish to apologise to its customers for any inconvenience this move may have caused .
9 Zurich has benefited in its search for profitable target markets from having a strong international network , built up over nearly a century , with operations in 40 countries .
10 ( ii ) The ‘ 10 minute ’ rule This is a development of the method of introducing a Bill by motion now rarely used in the case of Government Bills and it is extremely rare for legislation to result from its use for Private Members ' Bill purposes .
11 It relies on its coffee for ninety seven percent of its exports .
12 What is more difficult to establish is whether the first building was inhabited for a while , demolished just after the inhabitants moved out , immediately paved over , and a new building later constructed ; or whether the first building was inhabited for a while , abandoned by its inhabitants for many years , then collapsed through decay , was paved over later on , and then a second building constructed .
13 As it is , the car 's great attraction as a luxury convertible has always been overshadowed by its reputation for poor reliability .
14 in the course of his dissenting judgment in the Court of Appeal , that the payment by Woolwich of the principal sums demanded and the acceptance of these sums by the revenue created , having regard to the terms of Woolwich 's letters of 12 June and 15 September 1986 , an implied agreement that the revenue would repay the sums in question in the event of Woolwich succeeding in its action for judicial review .
15 Any child can come with its parents for one hour a month .
16 It is no secret that Damascus has been using the PKK as a bargaining chip to press Turkey into complying with its demands for more water from the Euphrates , on which it heavily depends .
17 No one wants a plastic telephone receiver which sags after sitting in its cradle for several weeks , or a car tyre that develops a flat spot if parked in one position for too long , or clothes made from synthetic fibres which become baggy and deformed after short periods of wear .
18 Payment was never made for a vessel taken from its owner for royal service ; nor was compensation for loss of a ship , or even damage to its equipment , normally given .
19 The Law Society is already claiming a part-victory in forcing the Scottish Office to backtrack on its plans for legal advice and assistance — the advice a solicitor offers on individual problems in civil or criminal law .
20 Until that happens , the UK is hindered in its support for international initiatives to encourage abolition in other countries .
21 Professor Burney said that the body had been kept on its back for some hours , before being put in the gateway . ’
22 The cost of the tunnel has risen by £2.2bn to £7bn — forcing Eurotunnel to return to its bankers for fresh loans .
23 A single grub feeds on its gall for two years before emerging , and as the beetle is a scarce and secretive creature , it is often only the galls which reveal the species ' presence .
24 Much of the critical attention paid to its implications for special education has centred on the procedures by which children can be excluded from the ‘ common entitlement ’ through the disapplications and modifications permitted by the Act ( Norwich 1989 , Tomlinson 1990 ) .
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