Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] his [noun] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 When , in the 1590s , Essex failed to get the Attorneyship for Francis Bacon , he sought for his protege the vacant post of Solicitor .
2 The more battles and the more kills an Orc has under his belt the more respect he earns from other Orcs , the more his enemies fear him , and the happier he will be .
3 Returning to Falmouth Street in his new acquisition — and already encountering some resistance to engaging first gear — Harry listed in his mind the excellent reasons for buying a car .
4 Rincewind stood up as slowly as he dared , and drew from his belt the short sword he had taken from the guard a few hours and a hundred years ago .
5 She had had a letter from Edwin 's solicitor asking her to come to his office the following day .
6 ‘ There 's no weight to isolated acts of self-aggrandizing heroism in a decaying society , ’ said a man who was generally nice , and who bore on his forehead the triangular scar of a marble paperweight that had been thrown at him by his best friend , a Tory , for a sentence like that .
7 On returning to his office the following Monday , Mark was surprised to find that it was now occupied by visiting American auditors .
8 There began to appear on his stall the occasional letter , its edges artfully worn , its folds artfully aged .
9 The training officer of one licensed dealer always recommended to his trainees the cheeky approach : " Call your clients by their Christian names .
10 The Danzig Party leapt into the political struggles of the Volkstag with renewed energy and Forster settled down with confidence to work at his leisure the rich vein of economic discontent that ran right through every strata of Free City society .
11 ‘ I want to paint men and women with that something of the eternal which the halo used to symbolize , ’ Van Gogh had written , groping to define for his brother the human essence that was his aim in pictures such as this . ’
12 Because of the many opportunities that a designer has of seeing many types and design of kitchen equipment in action , he is able to pick for his client the best type and design for the job in hand .
13 He had crossed the ride and was looking for his dog the other side .
14 As John Fairchild noted in his book The Fashionable Savages in 1965 : ‘ She looks best wearing what no one else would ever wear , something so simple another lady would n't dare …
15 He stood watching beside the flower-beds ; and after a long minute of uninterrupted work , Orrie straightened his long , athlete 's back again , and turned towards his audience the massive , stony beauty of his face , flushed with exertion .
16 He then decided to fit into his lounge the biggest tank possible .
17 For a man so rooted in his domesticity the nomadic life of the Official War Artist was a gamble .
18 AI discovered from his letter the appalling living conditions at Shalla , including a water shortage and rampant diseases .
19 I returned to his caravan the following afternoon after school bearing my load , which was by then little more than a dusty stain on the inside of a beaker .
20 Placement support which at the least minimised the chances that the ex-patient would be evicted from his home or sacked from his job the first time a problem occurred would seem essential .
21 Einstein has traced in his work the conservative influences of Ingegneri , a melodious master of Palestrinian polyphony , and Andrea Gabrieli , who excelled in the lighter types of madrigal and villanella , the Venetian gregesche and giustiniane .
22 There was an uncomfortable pause while they both thought of Pascoe in his enforced retirement , watching the river flow by his garden and reliving in his mind the wretched end to his career .
23 He used to sit in his study the whole time .
24 But there was an arresting fascination in his voice , like the movement of wind and light on a meadow , and as its rhythm entered into his hearers the whole burrow became silent .
25 With uncustomary generosity , he included in his letterpress the Aboriginal name for a species , when he knew it , alongside its Latin and common names .
26 In order to make the exercise of the privilege unnecessary in the present case Buckley J. included in his order the following paragraph :
27 Someone brought to his notice the fifth commandment , to honour your father and mother .
28 If the format was chosen by a mosaicist 's clients ( as seems likely ) it is also difficult to attribute to his discretion the occasional regularities in the form and placements of motif .
29 To put those odds into perspective , however , it should be remembered that apart from having at his disposal the incredible equine resources of In-Keeping 's trainer , Martin Pipe — who himself broke all records for a jump trainer last season — events conspired very much in favour of the four-times champion jockey .
30 And conversely , in the exalté atmosphere of Northern Nigeria , a Resident who admitted defeat at the hands of his emir was deemed to be guilty of two unpardonable sins : he disgraced by his ineptitude the good name of the British Colonial Service ; and he brought the whole principle of local administrative autonomy into disrepute .
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