Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] its [noun pl] to the " in BNC.

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1 It takes the Skeleton D4 rounds to realise that it is no longer capable of eating — it can chew , but when it swallows the food simply drops through its bones to the floor .
2 Whether that occurs depends on its responses to the issue that is going to continue to dominate the political scene — the economy in general and the consequences of Exchange Rate Mechanism membership in particular .
3 In any event , the bar will feed gas ejected by its stars to the nucleus .
4 ‘ Jottings ’ had not quite been pushed overboard ; it was clinging by its fingernails to the edge of the raft , to be found , often seriously cut , between the competition and the personal column at the back of the paper .
5 It was now also common knowledge that the aircraft , once the Wasp was within range , were to be flown from its decks to the besieged island of Malta .
6 Also , the tribunal referred in its reasons to the fact that the employee had convictions for similar offences in the past and the employer had given no warnings that repetition could lead to dismissal .
7 The European Court frequently refers in its judgments to the preambles of legal texts for this purpose .
8 Over this cap , from the front to the back is a strong iron crest , D-shaped in cross-section and hollow , riveted at its ends to the cap .
9 But when discovered it was assigned by its excavators to the late-third or early-fourth century ( Britannia VIII ( 1977 ) , 413 ) : a dating subsequently accepted by Neal ( 1981 , no. 63 ) and Swain and Ling ( Britannia XII ( 1981 ) , 168 : where the wall paintings from the same room as the mosaic are considered to be of late-third/early-fourth century date ) .
10 It ended with a peace agreement in which the rebel National Patriotic Front of Liberia ( NPFL ) agreed to surrender the territory controlled by its forces to the regional peacekeeping force ECOMOG ( the ECOWAS Monitoring Group ) .
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