Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] a [adj] [noun sg] and " in BNC.

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1 In these cases I either have to wait for a passing walker and ask for assistance , try to reverse my direction or take the plunge and risk damage to chair and body .
2 One person leading into another can make for a smoother flow and a more efficient use of time .
3 What a fool I am , he thought , still to mourn for a lost past and a girl who existed only in my imagination , the reality being so different , when I have this ardent , hardworking … child … to keep me company , so different from the mercenary beauty who has just left .
4 ‘ It 's a long way to go for a 45-minute service and a reception — even if you 're not 92 years old , ’ said one of her aides , who insisted that her absence was not intended as a snub .
5 Not painted for a specific location and comprising canvases of different dimensions , the frieze was a pool of images from which Munch made withdrawals for sale , replacing the pictures which he had plundered with new versions of the same composition .
6 By international agreement , all pieces of a given shower are catalogued as a single meteorite and named after a nearby geographical feature ( it can be a town , a post office or prominent natural feature ) .
7 Some of his actions , in particular the unexpected introduction of a constitutional amendment allowing for an elected Vice-President and the subsequent appointment of Moudud Ahmed to that post , caused some disquiet among party members .
8 A barricade of flagstones prised up from the floor had been erected for a final stand and the Collector , snatching a moment to look back towards it , was dismayed to see that the other party was already behind it , thus leaving himself and his men exposed on the flank .
9 The FMLN would be legalized as a political party and its members reincorporated with broad guarantees into " civilian , political and institutional " life .
10 Fresco was developed as a portable environment and Linton is thought to have his sights firmly set on Microsoft Corp 's Windows NT for the toolkit .
11 It is great to drive through a German city and see full colour posters for your band with a ribbon across the poster which reads : AUSVERKAUF ( sold-out ) .
12 Norbert was sent back into the real world , but within weeks he had registered as a disabled person and returned to the hospital .
13 I have to search for a two-way adaptor and a tape to try it out .
14 Police said the thieves had broken through a rear entrance and stolen an electric typewriter , an answering machine and £40 cash .
15 Eventually he was referred to a consultant who took a careful case-history and wondered if there might be some connection between the heavy doses of antibiotics he had received as a young man and the continuing diarrhoea .
16 The strip goes through a rolling mill and a furnace which burns off the cellulose binder , leaving a strip of metal alloy .
17 Go along the rocks , descending the path which goes through a broken wall and joins a farm track opposite some farm buildings .
18 Legislative power is vested in a unicameral National Assembly which sits for a five-year term and consists of six appointed senators and 15 popularly elected representatives .
19 I undertook to make it one of the priorities of our presidency of the European Community later this year to carry through an improved trade and co-operation agreement with Russia .
20 Some licensees have seen catering as a profitable sideline and invested their own cash and other resources into developing it , while others have either not been interested or have lacked the capital to do so , and have accordingly only provided minimum facilities .
21 Both units , catering for a similar age-group and facing similar pressures and demands are part of a sizeable unit provision established by education and social services departments in one large urban authority .
22 That 's something we , we , that 's what we found and one of the things we have got is this youth bus actually operating in the town and it erm , it 's running three nights a week , we ca n't cover every bit of the town , but it goes to different area 's of the town , The Stow , and Old Harlow , I mean we 've actually got quite good relationship 's with , with , with the young people in Old Harlow , but erm , I mean we ca n't cover every night , I mean there is a problem , of erm , you know , you you get from a position where you recognise it , you , you , you need to start catering for a particular group and it takes a long time getting there .
23 Most of the new people who 'd be coming over in the last couple of years a lot of them would n't be coming out to our concerts yet because they would probably be into a more younger scene like the Mary Blacks , maybe or the Christian Moore or somebody like that you would be catering for a younger audience and the the second third generation would be coming out to the First to the Foster and Allens and the Daniel O'Donnells and the Brendan Shines you know .
24 You could compensate for a too-stiff rod and poor reflexes — reflexes which you need for easing off when the hook bites into a lip — by using a stronger line .
25 And in the fourth year I tend to do them an evaluation sheet , where I write down lots of questions about the project they have just done , and maybe get them to sit for a double lesson and write about the things they experienced and found out …
26 Southmoorhenge has n't yet been listed as a historic monument and no Americans have been spotted having their pictures taken next to it , but it 's early days .
27 As a result of the growing numbers of taekwondo practitioners , taekwondo has been listed as an Olympic sport and will be demonstrated at the 1988 Olympics .
28 Clark had , however , made it clear that he did not wish to continue for a further term and , as a consequence of an Academic Board working party 's recommendation , a permanent post was created and filled externally by the appointment of the author .
29 The F2B creaked through a 180-degree turn and began photographing another strip .
30 We still had two rooms left to decorate : those intended as a spare bedroom and playroom .
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