Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] be [vb pp] each [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Legally and formally , the authority for the raising of most revenue is annual only and the authority needs to be renewed each year .
2 Yet these proportions mask a more alarming phenomenon : the amount of new money that needs to be borrowed each year purely to pay off maturing debt .
3 The greatest effect is in Indomalesia , where some 85 000 km 2 are thought to be lost each year .
4 These sweet snacks do not have to be eaten each day ( savoury snacks or fruit would be much better ) .
5 If the Managing Director of Cords Plc were to require that next year 's profit show a 15% increase over last year 's performance , how many pairs of trousers would have to be sold each month ( i ) assuming that the Sales Director 's policies were adopted and ( ii ) assuming that they were not adopted .
6 Outside of SSSIs , about 10 per cent continue to be lost each year .
7 IRAN : Hundreds of prisoners , prisoners of conscience , continue to be executed each year in Iran , a pattern which has persisted since the proclamation of the Islamic Republic in 1979 .
8 A growth annulus is assumed to be deposited each year , and microscopic rings are thought to record the length of lunar , daily and tidal cycles .
9 In compliance with the rules laid down by Sir Hans Sloane 's original deed of conveyance ( see p. 22 ) , dried and labelled specimens of fifty species grown in the Garden had to be sent each year to the Royal Society .
10 Unemployment was , she said , " the primary cause of the inequalities in our society " and 300,000 new jobs had to be created each year .
11 In colonial Ruanda-Burundi , several weeks of free labour had to be given each year by the commune to build up terraces , bunds and other erosion works .
12 Even for somebody who spoke French it was a mouthful , and it was tedious because it had to be repeated each time one spoke to a Corporal or Sergeant .
13 About one-fifth of the force had to be replaced each year , partially because many recruits were found unsuitable .
14 Loyalty had to be reaffirmed each time it was required ; it could not be assumed merely by reason of inhabiting a particular locality .
15 ’ A book in the J. C. R. had to be signed each week to record the hours of war work required of us in return for the privilege of remaining students , and the variety of jobs was immense , including , in the long vacation , harvest and fruit-picking camps in various parts of rural England .
16 Speaking at the World Conservation Union meeting in Perth , Australia , the organisation claimed that without protection , 5,000 of the remaining 50,000 orang-utans will continue to be lost each year .
17 Each island bears a white arrow to show the way , but the riverbed changes continuously and new channels have to be navigated each trip .
18 Mixed with an old-fashioned respect for education , this means that tens of thousands of new jobs have to be generated each year to keep up with the prodigious output of mothers and universities .
19 During outages , as many as 20 have to be moved each day .
20 They are privately owned and have to be licensed each year by the Borough Council .
21 As a further safeguard , audited accounts have to be filed each year with the Registrar of Friendly Societies .
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