Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] be [adv] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This suggests GPs were attempting to deal , both medically and compulsorily , and only in the case of women , with problems which at subsequent assessment were considered to be primarily about social relationships .
2 Second , there was a marked trend for ( female ) referrals by GPs subsequently considered to be primarily about social relationships not to be sectioned .
3 Smith had a reputation for being devious and unreliable , which I found to be far from true .
4 We might have gone on for years like that — me combing the streets for you while pretending to be there on other business !
5 Even our code of etiquette , with its rule that women always have precedence , is a legacy from courtly love , and is felt to be far from natural in modern Japan or India …
6 ‘ The procedure would appear to be far from mad — quite coldly methodical .
7 The Duke of York is thought to be away on naval duties and the Duchess of York , believed not to have been invited , was in Birkenhead touring flats for young people with learning difficulties .
8 While existing premium products were considered adult they were , says Bartle , thought to be all about formal occasions , badge values and impressing others .
9 This house was to be Lovat 's Brigade H.Q and it appeared that we were going to be there on high ground for some time .
10 Firstly , the United States economic system was shown to be far from invincible : the myth of the Great American Dream was , if not exploded , at least undermined .
11 While this may be a reasonable stance for finance academics to adopt , even though the problems in analysing cash flows and given probabilities have been shown to be far from trivial , the practising manager has to recognize the limited scope of the ‘ investment problem ’ addressed by the current theory of finance .
12 Less than an hour before the end Europe 's chances of retaining an outright lead were judged to be somewhere between slim and nil but that was before Mark James and Howard Clark made their massive contribution .
13 This situation appears to be primarily of theoretical and historical interest , since the newly independent state is now more frequently party to the treaty in question , or , in most recent examples , has declared its statehood through secession from another state .
14 The work was carried out during the period 1980–1 and the existing building construction was found to be generally in good condition .
15 In Birmingham , for 1981–3 , with ethnicity classified by mother 's own report , incidence of deaths from the syndrome was found to be lowest among Asian babies and highest among Afro-Caribbeans , with white infants falling in between .
16 Western academic literature is found to be far from helpful in providing an understanding of Africa 's media and their role .
17 Obvious examples are travelling or living abroad , the husband having to be away for long periods , having to relocate , changing children 's schools at an awkward stage in their career , having to do a lot of company entertaining .
18 The alumni seems to be essentially for fund-raising purposes : ‘ You were there at Salford , please dig deep into pockets ’ .
19 Tile designs alter with changing fashions in interior design , and current demand seems to be mainly for large areas of neutral or small-patterned tiles , perhaps interspersed with individual motif tiles on a matching background .
20 From the tarn , I followed my nose down to a cairn that stands on the shoulder above Deepdale Side where the view down Deepdale into Dentdale was so good that I sat and looked at it for a good half-hour until the thought that I needed to be home by late afternoon pushed me on down to the green lane of the old Craven Way .
21 These are learned and inherited forms of individual and social behaviour which , assuming no major upheaval in the environment takes place , tend to be best for reproductive success .
22 Bank managers tend to be far from impetuous in putting their own money at risk and Mr Cowdrill was suitably cautious before investing his cash .
23 He was last night charged with being unlawfully at large .
24 The Queen Mother is believed to be strongly against divorced Anne 's decision to remarry on Saturday .
25 They were now revealed as what they had always been , not figures of fun , not left-wing political extremists , not loony vegetarians ( though they were vegetarians ) , but harmless , mild , Labour-voting , CND-supporting , Fabian pamphlet-reading intellectuals , of a species that Alix now knew to be far from extinct .
26 Firms , unlike households , are assumed to be continuously in neoclassical equilibrium : given the value of the real wage rate , they produce just the right ( profit maximizing ) volume of output .
27 Even with one hand gripping the marble banister it proved to be far from easy , and when the stairs were safely negotiated Luce breathed a sigh of relief .
28 Certainly not the Ketterings ' ancestors as they appeared to be mostly of sly Italian clerics .
29 Yet despite the soundness of this principal , the practise may prove to be far from straight-forward .
30 What harm is there in trying to achieve better value for money and more choice for the consumer by more competition — always giving an assurance , which I repeat today , that we will ensure that the uniform tariff structure remains in being even in rural areas ?
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