Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] the [det] [noun] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 Sadly , even their combined efforts can not hope to compensate for the many jobs lost .
2 Recognition that the members of organizations share group identities and have interests which may not coincide with others who are contributing to the same goals began with the Human Relations movement and its founder George Elton Mayo ( 1933 ) .
3 While attempting to give financial autonomy to schools the government has at the same time failed to help the market — that is , parents and pupils — to decide what subjects should be studied .
4 It has in the past happened that a client has been advised by the agent to amend an order , has entirely agreed with that advice , but has at the same time pointed out that his authority does not extend to giving a final decision , and this can be awkward .
5 Paintings which describe the natural world are indeed easiest for the critic to describe , since any observer can compare an object seen with the same thing depicted .
6 According to the Washington Post of Oct. 21 the number of guestworkers living in the former GDR had gone down to 85,000 and the German government was offering US$2,000 and a free flight home if they would leave .
7 Possibly dinosaurs living in the latter phase had developed complex social structures , as today occurs in some reptilian genera .
8 The Slovak government named on the same day included a total of 13 ministers from PAV , seven from the CDM and three from the Democratic Party .
9 Taking these two points into consideration leads us to the conclusion that meaningful chain dimensions can only be values averaged over the many conformations assumed .
10 The Russian Federation Security Council meeting on the same day expressed concern over arms deliveries from Romania to Moldova ( although on May 31 the Moldovan Foreign Ministry had denied Gen. Grachev 's claims that Romania was supplying Moldova with tanks , claiming that only pontoon bridges and trucks were donated ) .
11 Another law adopted on the same day recognized the principle of press freedom and decreed that the news media should abstain from encouraging intolerance between tribes or races .
12 In an earlier case , Computer-Aided Systems ( UK ) Ltd. v Bolwell ( 1989 ) , the mere fact that a new program had file compatibility with an earlier program written by the same people failed to impress the judge who considered the plaintiff 's application for inspection of the defendant 's program to be nothing more than a " fishing expedition " .
13 In Maymyo I was at first rather at a loose end , for most of the civilian families had left , and the Establishment chaplain was there to carry on the church services and to look after the few people left .
14 Normally that particular tone could quell a charging bull at ten paces , but this man , she thought , must have skin as thick as leather because he did n't look in the least bit intimidated .
15 Only eight out of 26 ministers retained their posts in a new Cabinet announced on July 19 ; key ministries remaining in the same hands included Defence under Maj.-Gen.
16 His radio broadcast on the same day contained no hint of criticism of the Allies .
17 The amount of solid hazardous waste produced by the same operation fell by 79 per cent .
18 You you never get to the this way did you ?
19 Commenting on the many questions asked he pointed out that a literal understanding of what was said in the O.T .
20 Several families who lived in the same settlement decided to leave as a result of her behaviour , and others insisted that they would never go to live in the same place as her .
21 Dancers easily understand how a series of swift pas de bourrée courus ( i.e. running on the toes ) as danced by the Queen of the Wilis in Giselle , differs from the same step performed piqué ( i.e. each foot picked up sharply at each change of weight ) , as in many of petipa 's solos .
22 We were not reassured when a solitary American tourist travelling on the same flight told us he 'd been on this very plane on a previous flight , and they found petrol pouring down the window before take-off , and had to do some repair work on it .
23 On South Georgia reindeer , introduced from Scandinavia by whalers early in the twentieth century , flourish and appear to be spreading ; horses and sheep introduced to the same island did not survive .
24 The new Czech government appointed on the same day included a total of nine ministers from Civic Forum , two from the People 's Party , one from the MSD/SMS and nine without party affiliation .
25 The authority had not found out about the incident involving the cadets at Leek until they were in hospital , but tests on the water taken about the same time showed toxics from algae present .
26 Participation could perhaps be increased if the event is planned beforehand ; for example , it might be an advantage if groups of children who all live in the same area arranged to meet and cycle to school together .
27 Separate legislation passed on the same day banned political party cells in state and government bodies .
28 Other systems also being tried at the same time included dehydration and injection techniques , the latter to be perfected by a surgeon called Ruysch ( 1665–1717 ) , Professor of Anatomy at Amsterdam .
29 She smiled at the few women clustered at the counter and acknowledged their somewhat surprised greetings , and was enormously grateful to Frank Green , the owner , for treating her as if she were a regular and valued customer instead of a virtual stranger .
30 In France , a poll taken around the same time showed 75% approval for the Americans in the Gulf .
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