Example sentences of "rather [subord] [adv] " in BNC.

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31 Try observing these outer images rather than simply seeing them .
32 The truly hyperactive child sleeps very little ( possibly only four to five hours a night ) , has an attention span obviously shorter than other children and behaves in a way that is chaotic rather than simply energetic .
33 And I mean ‘ rate ’ in its mathematical rather than simply its physical sense ; it has nothing to do with time .
34 Although there was evidence of awareness of the need to adapt training programmes rather than simply abandon them , there was also evidence of lack of any systematic in-service training , justified by inability to employ methods that depend on staff mobility :
35 The players then go round these people rather than simply the few chairs .
36 Equally , faith grows and flourishes when it is well nourished and exercised , so the best way to resist doubt is to build up faith rather than simply to fight against doubt .
37 Then I suggested that , when she felt ready to do so , she should try to carry out the exercise in reality rather than simply in her imagination .
38 And as I began to live metaphysically , rather than simply believing in it , my everyday life became more and more magical .
39 They shift through the songs on their excellent ‘ Born in Blood ’ with joy , pride and professionalism , enhancing the material rather than simply grinding it out on stage .
40 Rather than simply tacking on a message to their usual turn , as was the standard approach , who among the stars was using their — ahem — art to grapple with Aids ?
41 The styles and values of both employees and managers currently support a job design philosophy that has its roots in work study and industrial engineering practice , and it flies in the face of conventional wisdom to believe that jobs can actually be designed rather than simply be the result of technologically determined requirements .
42 There is little room for poetry — a product of the despised Fancy — in all this ; yet Wordsworth was in the Locke tradition when he rejected the ‘ gaudy and inane phraseology ’ of the Fancy and devoted a long poem to the description of how Nature ( in Locke 's sense of the whole external world rather than simply mountains and lakes ) formed his mental character .
43 Sixtyone per cent of women sink into a hot bath in order to wind down , half have tried exercising as a means of relieving stress rather than simply getting fit , and one in four has a stiff drink when the going gets tough .
44 Much emphasis is placed these days on understanding and applying standard practice rather than simply learning it by rote .
45 One of the major concerns is to ensure security ( as far as possible ) and quality of service , rather than simply seek out the highest interest rate or the lowest charges on offer .
46 And — an important factor this , in view of the way that we found some commercial lenders now tend to make repetitive and cumulative borrowing almost an end in itself , rather than simply the means of funding one desired purchase — the union has no interest in persuading its members to borrow .
47 The reason the market economy or catallaxy produces fresh wealth rather than simply redistributing existing wealth is critically bound up with the way in which market prices act as signals containing vital information .
48 Furthermore , district health authorities were obliged to become traders rather than simply suppliers of hospital services .
49 Skins on the segment and the pith both contain substances called bioflavonoids which enhance the effect of vitamin C , so it 's better to make use of the whole fruits rather than simply pressing them for your breakfast juice .
50 The fact that such grammatically incorrect combinations are frequently systematic ( Berko 1958 ; Ivimey 1975 ) suggests that children are organising their utterances on the basis of a knowledge of rules , rather than simply in response to environmental contingencies , and that such rules are , at least to some extent , generated spontaneously .
51 Rather than simply sampling at random , it is helpful to make some preliminary enquiries among the child 's parents or teachers regarding the kinds of situations in which she is most likely to talk .
52 Grappling with this problem , feminists who want to draw attention to women 's presence rather than simply adopting male titles have sometimes proposed completely novel words ( for instance Italian dottora , a feminine coining for ‘ doctor ’ that flouts the rules of Italian word-formation ) .
53 If the OCU does not reform then it will be a sad day , at the very least this unique RAF institution should have been allowed to ‘ go out ’ in style rather than simply vanish out of the back door .
54 But rather than simply treading water , the big man has put his stock in the new material — which is more relevant than nostalgic .
55 The word ‘ sit ’ , for example , should be used at all times rather than simply saying ‘ food ’ in this instance , and hoping that the dog will respond accordingly .
56 You must check that the tablet is actually consumed , rather than simply being left in the bottom of the bowl .
57 Forward planning can be helpful in minimising difficulties , especially if any problems that pupils have are briefly recorded in writing rather than simply passed on verbally .
58 Schregle 's ( 1981 ) approach to this basic problem of what is comparable in cross-national studies is to compare the methods and ways in which particular industrial relations functions are carried out in various countries , rather than simply comparing institutions and procedures carrying the same designation .
59 A further difference is that the other language , English , is not learned naturally and probably has to be ‘ taught ’ rather than simply acquired through access .
60 teachers who were prepared to discuss the GIST problem with children , rather than simply accepting VISTA and other interventions and hoping that an implicit message would get through ;
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