Example sentences of "social [conj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 These included special educational needs , ethnic minority and multicultural needs , equal opportunity and gender-related needs , and social and/or material disadvantage .
2 The larger part of PNP resourcing was concentrated on schools where significant proportions of children were experiencing social and/or material disadvantage .
3 There is in fact a general danger that ‘ good ’ records will turn out to look remarkably similar to one another , ‘ bad ’ records made up only for non-conformists , individualists , or those who are in some way social or school ‘ loners ’ .
4 social or welfare facilities ;
5 Many first level nurses ( although still a minority ) now undertake basic nurse education as part of undergraduate study for a degree in nursing , social or life sciences .
6 By his own account , Mr Tyson is thrifty and states quite proudly that neither he or his wife Rosie are a burden on any form of social or government support .
7 Or they may be isolated from supportive social or family networks and have problem-related health problems such as HIV , hepatitis , TB , and mental health problems .
8 As we suggested above , long-firm frauds can be carried out by people who have no social or business contact with the criminal fraternity .
9 Administrative elites form part of a cohesive , co-ordinated and self-conscious vanguard of social or business elites where their real interests and loyalties lie .
10 This may be a source of embarrassment ; people do not usually meet for social or business purposes dressed in this way .
11 Whether for a family occasion , an overnight stay , social or business function , a reception large or small , or simply for a quiet drink and snack , Statham Lodge Hotel welcomes every visitor in the same friendly way .
12 These subcultures may have distinct characteristics , being based on ethnic , religious , geographical , social or age factors ( etc ) .
13 This focus on the micro level of social or community structure discourages stereotypical generalisations .
14 The work undertaken by the projects can be , for example , of an environmental , social or community service nature .
15 Nevertheless , our view of Japanese society is often supported by an underlying assumption that a tendency towards social consensus rather than social or class conflict , is what makes Japan different .
16 It would be professionally improper for them to interest themselves in the social or leisure activities of their pupils ; and it would be unsuitable to their professionalism if they were involved in purely supervisory or ancillary duties , which are carried out , where necessary , by unqualified assistants .
17 This planning diary should show , for example , weeks in which certain lecture courses begin or in which certain work assignments are due for presentation ; weeks in which there are social or sporting events ; weeks in which you are free to take a break or to go away for a few days .
18 Freud begins Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego by showing that there is almost no difference between individual psychology and social or group psychology :
19 Social & Community Planning Research
20 Social & Community Planning Research
21 Social & Community Planning Research
22 I note that , yet again , the Liberal party is aligning itself with the Labour party on social and taxation matters .
23 Where extended education or training is provided ( e.g. in response to youth unemployment ) it tends , consequently , to stress so-called social and life skills or personal effectiveness rather than technical skills .
24 Social and life skills classes have often been created with the overt intention of facilitating the integration of students with disabilities ( Dee 1988 ) , yet they may lack certification and have low academic status .
25 working parties on able pupils , social and life skills , and community education had been formed ;
26 The dissemination of these views in adult education is based not on a class or race or gender analysis of inequality but on notions of feckless , unconfident , incompetent individuals who , because of learning difficulties or lack of social and life skills , are inadequate in their day-to-day lives .
27 Saunders ( 1979 , Chapter 8 ) charts a whole series of social and committee contexts through which leading councillors , local businessmen and managers from national companies tended to meet .
28 Doctors trained in epidemiology , statistics , and the social and management sciences are needed to help manage the implementation of purchasing policy .
29 Having mapped out the general social and drug career characteristics of users interviewed in the four snowball samples , the following section will discuss why these users had not come into contact with the various voluntary and statutory bodies expected to deal with the ‘ heroin problem ’ .
30 Subject selection , content and methodology are to a great extent , dominated by their influence on upper classes and no one who is aware of social and salary structures in Africa , or who has had children of his own in the system , would expect otherwise .
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