Example sentences of "when [art] number " in BNC.

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1 There was little hope for political enlightenment in the provinces at a time when the number of literary centres and of those attending them fell to one-tenth of what they had risen to in 1921 .
2 ‘ In those days when the number of disciples was increasing , the Grecian Jews among them complained against the Hebraic Jews because their widows were being overlooked in the daily distribution of food .
3 In a period when the number of courses increased , WEA membership in the District declined by 150 and in 1931 , capitation fees from branches had slumped to a mere £44 .
4 The effects of post-war social trends became visible by 1952 when the number of Tutorial Classes and University Sessional classes declined relatively as the number of Terminal courses increased .
5 Bill Glazier was Palace 's aptly named and superb goalkeeper throughout most of our sojourn in Division Three , 1961–64 , and he was ever-present during our praiseworthy recovery under Dick Graham in the second half of 1962–63 , then in the magnificent promotion season of 1963–64 when the number of goals conceded was easily the lowest in our Division .
6 Even then abolition was not completed until the early 1890s when the number of landless and dispossessed peasants and rural labourers increased dramatically .
7 Although not a new phenomenon abroad , occurrences of listeria were relatively rare in Britain until 1989 when the number of cases rose to an estimated 800 , one third of which were pregnant women .
8 An RCM report on girls in nursing appeared in 1944 , when the number of Kindertransporte volunteers in the profession passed the two hundred mark .
9 The neatest effect is when the number of stitches results in a complete number of repeats .
10 A transfer on such a scale , from those who work to those who do not , may be manageable today ; it will be less so in the early years of the next century , when the number of workers per pensioner will start to fall sharply .
11 Ex-servicemen lost their dependants ' allowances along with their donation the following year and in June 1921 , when the number of registered unemployed stood at over two million , unemployment benefit rates were cut .
12 There was a substantial body of opinion which would support the view that , whatever convictions were held on the merits , it would be inopportune to introduce this experiment in the unsettled conditions following a major war , when the number of violent crimes was abnormally high and respect for the sanctity of human life had inevitably been impaired by the circumstances of war .
13 The year 1966 was when the number of people paying a TV licence for the first time exceeded the number paying a radio licence .
14 A bit-pattern index can extend the use of serial files when the number of attributes is limited , but a break-even point will occur somewhere between 20 000 and 100000 records , depending on record size , number of possible attributes and the complexity of Boolean conditions required .
15 It is , however , correct that these percentages were at their highest in the 1970s when the number of strikers was also at its highest .
16 Between 1945 and 1954 just 90,000 in total had been cleared , an average of 9,000 per year , but from 1961 onwards the annual total demolished was never less than 61,000 ( with the exception of 1974 , when the number fell to 41,000 ) ; the years of greatest activity were 1966–72 .
17 Another aspect of the disregard for the feelings of the unemployed was the reduction in the number of mainstream staff in DSS offices at a time when the number of claimants was rising .
18 Other initiatives have sprung up , such as ‘ The Society of Women and Men in Travel ’ at a time when the number of women directors of PLC companies has actually decreased .
19 The encouraging figures come at a time when the number of young people in the county has dropped while the older population has increased .
20 Comparison with the early 1970s , when a number of secondary banks nearly failed as a result of their over-exposure to falling property values , were not appropriate , however .
21 It was worked by various tenants until the 1730s when a number of owners culminated with the well-known family of Painswick clothiers , the Packers .
22 The first bombs to fall on any British deaf school happened the day the war broke out at Margate on 3rd September 1939 when a number of incendiary bombs landed in the school grounds .
23 It all started in 1882 when a number of local worthies , looking for ways of raising money to support Huddersfield Infirmary , decided to hold a ‘ Musical Gathering ’ on the Sunday of Feast Week .
24 CASE 2 : when a number has been entered in the Print Sequence Number Start box the form may be completed in two ways when a number of subsequent entries are also to be proofed :
25 The ability to manage people is the more necessary at a time when a number of different lay ministries are being encouraged and developed for the conduct of worship .
26 The friction which has always existed between the two camps was made worse in the early 1970s when a number of colleges of art , some of them of considerable distinction , were swallowed up by polytechnics .
27 Since the 1960s , when a number of new social movements — among them the student movement , various national and ethnic movements , and the women 's movement — became extremely active in political life , a great deal more attention has been given by sociologists to such forms of political action , which may be seen not only as constituting a basis or context for the development of more highly organized political activities , but also as political forces in their own right , existing alongside and sometimes in conflict with , established parties and pressure groups .
28 That was discovered especially during the South African war , when a number of university graduates were commissioned and sent out to South Africa , and it was found that they singularly lacked an ability to act in an officer capacity .
29 The failure is said to have its origins in the second half of the nineteenth century when a number of changes were taking place in the structure of British domestic banking , and in the nature of corporate ownership .
30 Booth 's survey also had an influence on a similar movement in the United States , though its roots go back to the middle of the nineteenth century when a number of small surveys on the " dangerous classes " were undertaken .
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