Example sentences of "during [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 The island of Hawaii alone seems to have a long-term average rate of construction of over 0.4 km 3 a- 1 , while Iceland has sustained a rate of about 0.13 km 3 a- 1 during historic time , and a rather lower average of 0.06 km 3 a - 1 over the past 16 Ma .
2 Dr Dixon said , ‘ With up to 20 years from infection to illness , we just have to ask how many of our congregation have been added during that time ?
3 It was during that time we all learned to play properly .
4 As part of the training programme , you had to spend this period underground , of which eighteen months had to be spent on the coal face and during that time you did lots of jobs that mineworkers did .
5 There were very few major countries I did n't visit during that time and travel was nothing like as easy as it is now .
6 He had spent less than an hour in the Dragon and during that time he had succeeded in needling at least four men .
7 During that time , his screen character has developed , but you just wait , says Jonathon , and see what happens to Adrian in the autumn .
8 The lack of a licence in Barlow Clowes ' early years may or may not have made a difference to the way investors ' funds were handled during that time .
9 She stayed there for three years and lost track of her sister during that time .
10 During that time three solicitors were , he alleges , unlawfully granted powers to administer the estate .
11 During that time , 24 sets killed 97 dolphins , 11 small whales , and 10 turtles .
12 During that time dividends were cut or passed and there were plenty of closures and redundancies , but spending on R&D and on capital investment was maintained .
13 During that time , the Resolution Trust Corporation ( RTC ) , the agency created to liquidate thrifts , must offer the properties to local housing agencies or poor people .
14 The husband had a right to dispose of them for his own benefit while he lived , and his wife had no power of disposition during that time , though , if she survived him , and they had not been disposed of , they would be hers again .
15 Dana did not reappear for a few days , and during that time I felt I was going mad .
16 If you do not weigh for a year and you eat just an extra 500 calories each day during that time , you will have put on a full 45 lb ( 21.8 kg ) ; rather a nasty shock !
17 What they had said really ‘ took seed ’ a few months later , when I set off on a world trip for seven months , and during that time the friend I was with , Ella , decided a few times , in different parts of the world , to lose some weight and tone up .
18 It lasted three days and during that time the 4,000 delegates had a choice of plenary sessions with top speakers , technical study groups , workshops , banquets , free time and even great music .
19 THE annual rate of inflation was reduced by more than half during the three Conservative administrations after May , 1979 , but unemployment more than doubled during that time .
20 In addition , among those for whom a staff member responded only one in twelve of those admitted during the last year of the life was felt to have had a good quality of life during that time compared with nearly half ( 46 per cent ) of those who had been in a home for a year or more .
21 Chile 's previous period of democracy and the way that the labour movement had developed it independent , political base and strong organisational structure during that time , made possible the development of militant collective action on the part of the proletariat .
22 A few panes of glass were broken during that time , but by accident rather than deliberate action .
23 She ran the gallery for 13 years , organising a number of photography shows during that time , one noticeably being the successfully staged Kertesz exhibition in 1978 .
24 Steadily , then , over the two years or so following Herr Bremann 's death , his lordship , together with Sir David Cardinal , who became his closest ally during that time , succeeded in gathering together a broad alliance of figures who shared the conviction that the situation in Germany should not be allowed to persist .
25 During that time he took his decision about Marler : to continue keeping an eye on him .
26 It 's been five years since Zoë Fairbairns last published a novel , during that time she has been writing a huge and compelling family saga , Daddy 's Girls .
27 During that time he sought inspiration and enrichment of the texture of the story in the surrounding countryside , in the paintings of Turner ( ‘ What he paints chiefly is light as modified by objects ’ ) and Romney ( ‘ I am struck by the red glow of [ his ] backgrounds , and his red flesh shades ’ ) , in the faces of women he met at dinner parties or saw by chance in a passing omnibus .
28 I was with Jack for nearly two years and during that time I first met Greg Norman .
29 It took Maidstone four hours to decide what to do and during that time he drank only coffee .
30 During that time Spain became a cultural bridgehead between East and West .
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