Example sentences of "to have a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Yet coupled with their loyalty these dogs are likely to have a latent hint of aggression in their natures .
2 But he is likely to have a frustrating time of it as Industry Secretary until the economy recovers , wanting cash to fund his ambitious regeneration plans that will simply not be available in the next year or two .
3 Palms seem to have a mechanical defence in the form of a woody endocarp , familiar as the ‘ stone ’ of a date .
4 Letters which are traditionally punctuated are said to have a closed punctuation style .
5 Erm , amateur societies just ca n't exist without loyal officers and those officers have shown their loyalty by s standing again and we know the special circumstances appertaining to the , which brings us to the nitty- gritty now erm you said we have , Tracy , five erm perhaps you 'd better read those names out for us and then I think the best thing to do is to have a closed vote , where we give you all a piece of paper on which you state your nomination folded up so nobody else can see we 'll put them in a bag and then we 'll appoint a couple of to count the vote so that we do not the chairman .
6 We seem to have a tremendous lot of seagulls do n't we ?
7 Once again you can appreciate how important it is to have a mixed and varied diet .
8 Well I do n't se I do n't think that it has been badly designed for the old people , I think the object of building the town as it has been built is to integrate the erm the old people with the young , perhaps the young people resent that but I think we have got to have a mixed community in as much as we have got to be aware that old people need attention in as much as they need companionship and if they are not integrated with the community they are going to be I really se , just left out on their own which in lots of cases there are very , very many lonely people , old people but if they are put within the community I think the community will look after them , in as much as giving them companionship whether the people , some people resent it or not , I do n't know , but I do think that they should not be segregated .
9 These were termed severe events and were assumed to have a causal role .
10 Being brought up in an institution or by neglectful parents , a pregnancy , early marriage , and showing poor planning skills were considered to have a causal role in adult depression .
11 It they had been right , matrilineal society would tend to have a lower level of technological development while patrilineal societies would have a higher level .
12 Babies born several weeks prematurely grow up to have a lower IQ on average by the ages of seven to 10 than children born at full term , according to research reported yesterday .
13 Clowns seem to have a lower centre of gravity , or a magnetic field that converts everything to prose .
14 If you are fortunate enough to have a lower level into which you can siphon away the water , that is the easiest .
15 Fourth year pupils were the principal subjects of the study as they would be members of their school for a full school year and were likely to have a lower absentee rate than the fifth year .
16 In ISIS 2 a lot of people received heparin , although not randomised , in addition to aspirin and thrombolysis and they appeared to have a lower mortality than those who did not get heparin .
17 There was a tendency for the patients in the bigger practices to have a lower random haemoglobin A 1 value ( analysis of variance , F =3.35 , df=2305 ; p=0.04 ) .
18 Unless there are an appreciable number of genuine deaths from asthma in people aged over 65 this supports my belief that the annual number of deaths due to asthma nationally is nearer 500 than 2000 ( even allowing for some genuine deaths from asthma not certified as such and given that some areas such as West Cumbria and perhaps Hertfordshire seem to have a lower mortality than Norwich ) .
19 Er men tend to have a lower pitch on the whole , erm th they 're louder and the 's due to their physiological differences , erm Jacqueline once said that , Men try to talk bigger than they are whereas women talk as though they 're smaller .
20 Alternatively , girls would have to be presumed to have a lower ability to learn mathematics than boys .
21 Mr claims for a five year replacement cycle , but I consider the vehicle is likely to have a lower mileage than is usual and that the replacement cycle should be one of eight years .
22 My mum 's the sort of person who 'll just argue with anything , if she thinks she 'll argue with anybody , or anything if she thinks that she 's being swindled , so like , she even went to the extent of having , they , we had an extension built , right , and she , we had it , only fair 's fair , this one particular suite , we had erm , and they , they had this absolutely massive bathroom built , okay not specifically to have a nicer bathroom , but to have a very big room and erm , so they had two sinks , this sounds real extravagant , erm ,
23 I think she 's going to have a nervous breakdown . ’
24 While visiting the local volcano , Serena is profoundly upset by the sight of hardened lava fields around a bubbling centre , and this causes her to have a nervous breakdown .
25 This approach tends to have a neutral effect on a decision about whether to be part of home or market production , avoiding women 's role being institutionalized as dependants .
26 Mr Ball urged the Government not to whittle away mortgage relief and to have a neutral Budget to allow a longer period of stability .
27 Food markets in the UK tended , in the past , to have a homogeneous character .
28 In other words , psychiatrists have used as their analogy disorders such as Huntington 's chorea or Alzheimer 's disease , which are known ( or can be assumed ) to have a discrete organic cause in the nervous system and which are like other infective or degenerative physical diseases , except that they happen to affect the brain .
29 Only six patients were previously known to have a columnar lined oesophagus .
30 Both in theory and in practice we endeavour to have a representative Association in each Division , and on them — and them only — lies the responsibility of selecting their candidate .
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